Stupid Ending Theme! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Inuyasha88   
Sunday, 09 April 2006

December 5th, 2004, 12:34 PM
Why in the FUCK did they have to get an English Ending Theme!?!?!? It ruins the show!

December 7th, 2004, 12:02 AM
O_o i never paid much attention to the ending theme for yu yu hakusho. i do remember eppy telling me its hard for the US companies to get licenses to air jpop songs. or something like that. :sdrop3:

December 12th, 2004, 02:00 PM
I never watch the ending theme...i go somewhere else.

December 12th, 2004, 10:44 PM
La la do this is you. Please don't break the seal. Just wait a little while. Give it time to heal. Then I think you'll understand, just exactly how I feel. This is my last, and my most loving request! Umm... yah... about that. Not only is it irritating, it doesn't make any sense. And they don't have enough Kurama pictures to make it REALLY worth while.

December 17th, 2004, 01:19 AM
The end theme sucks ass. It makes no sense, it doesn't fit the show, and the singer is off key! All in all, pathetic.

Ya know Kiki, you seem to be a huge fan of Kurama, but you have a Sesshomaru(pardon my spelling) avatar, and no sig image. Whay is that?

December 20th, 2004, 02:40 PM
Because Sessy is so freaking sessy, and I used to have a whole bunch of sigs, BUT I realized I could never really pay homage to all the sessy men I love, SO I just go without.

December 21st, 2004, 03:33 AM
English is stupid. Nothing in english is any good.

December 21st, 2004, 04:30 PM
La la do this is you. Please don't break the seal. Just wait a little while. Give it time to heal.i was humming this song before i clicked this thread ^_^:

December 21st, 2004, 11:32 PM
it does stick in you head, doesn't it? :p

December 22nd, 2004, 02:41 AM
like cheap glue :p

December 22nd, 2004, 01:01 PM
Because Sessy is so freaking sessy, and I used to have a whole bunch of sigs, BUT I realized I could never really pay homage to all the sessy men I love, SO I just go without.
now lets not go through that again :O

December 22nd, 2004, 09:54 PM
*wonders why kiki never set up an image randomizer to circulate her siggys* :p

December 25th, 2004, 08:06 PM
^_^; He he he... I guess I still have yet to cast off my title of "ditz" and being completely unaware of what's going on.... oops.