Princess Mononoke is an American anime made in a Japanese way. Set in Japan at the time of the samurai, with voices from Claire Danes, Minnie Driver and Billy Bob Thornton, it is a tale of a young man who is cursed while protecting his village from a demon.
The curse will surely kill him but not before causing him excruciating pain while it spreads throughout his body causing him to lose his good nature and become like the monster that cursed him.
He is forced to leave his village, meaning he can never return in search of a cure; he planned on travelling with his Bow and red elk to see the great spirit of the forest in hopes that it will cure him. What he finds is something he never expected.
There is a war taking place between the spirit beasts (wolves, boars, monkeys and other animals) that are fighting to preserve nature and the humans who wish to mine the land for iron.
The young warrior Ashitaka finds himself caught between both sides as he wishes only to find a cure and has nothing but respect for all life.
Through his journey he has to make his way through a war ridden land where armies run amuck and trust is something that must be earned, it is in this land that he meets Mononoke, a girl raised by wolves who will lead the beasts into battle. Ashitaka is fascinated by her but can he prevent an all out war between man and nature before his soul becomes like that of the monster that cursed him?
Animation 10 (amazing detail and superb character design)
Characters 10 (each character has there own goal, and reason for there behaviour)
Action 9 (it is not a full on action animation but the scenes are none the less excellent, a 9 is only because the consistency)
Story 10 (beautifully told, and well scripted)
Voices 10 (with top actors for voices you cant go wrong)