Ninja Scroll is a fast placed, action packed movie. In it is a traveling ninja named Jubei who soon has to go kill eight devils or he will soon be killed. In the story Jubei meets an old man, which he calls old man by the way and a girl, which cannot be killed by poison because of the way her body works. This movie isn't all action and killing; there is a love between Jubei and the girl. But this movie does have a few mature scenes by that I mean there's quite a bit of nudity in it.
Animation -
Ninja scroll is ten years old so the animation isn't quite up to date. I personally think the animation was good, but compared to movies like Akira the animation could be better. What I seemed to notice was the shadows in the animation. What I mean by this is the great use of shadows. An example is if there was a tree the tree would actually have a shadow unlike quite a few animes. But over all the animation is just like every other any anime I have seen with the exception of Akira. So over all I give the Animation a big 8.0
Sound/Music -
Well the sounds in Ninja Scroll are good they're nothing special but they're not crappy. What sounds I personally like was the swords when they clashed against each other. Those sounds stuck out to me. But really all the other sounds were all good but great. But the music is a whole different story. I loved the music. I think the music just captured the whole chaos of those fighting scenes. In one scene where they're running from a big warrior type of guy they played some loud boom boom type of music and it just fitted in with them running under trees and over rocks and stuff. So would say the sounds were ok but the music was great. So Sound/ Music gets a 9.0.
Voice Actors -
Well the voice actors were good. I think that Jubei's voice (the main character) was great and so was the old mans voice and same with the girls voice. Personally I think the best voice actor was the old man. The old man's voice was funny and it fitted in the body really well. The any voice I didn't like was the bad guy's voice. Actually I thought the voice was terrible, the voice was all deep and weird and it didn't fit in the body at all. So over all Voice Actors get an 8.0
Overall -
Well I personally Ninja scroll is one of my favorite anime movies of all time. If you haven't already seen it I strongly suggest you rent it or purchase it. Ninja scroll has good action, good animation and even some nudity. I loved it and I give ninja scroll overall a 8.5