
Game: |
Final Fantasy X |
Platform: |
PlayStation 2 |
Genre: |
Publisher: |
Squaresoft |
Developer: |
Squaresoft |
Released: |
2001 |

I have spent hours by the hundreds strolling thru Spira, and somewhere along the way, in Zanarkand I believe, I started to see a much bigger picture.
1000 years ago the two largest and most technologically advanced cities of Spira went to war, Bevelle and Zanarkand. Zanarkand had many powerful summoners, but the machina of Bevelle was stronger. In the end, the city of Zanarkand was destroyed and most of its citizens were killed.
The people of Zanarkand that survived the war committed themselves to becoming faith for the summoning. To live forever frozen in stone, only able to dream. Dream they did, re creating Zanarkand and their lost loved ones.
Zanarkand's most powerful summoner, Yu Yevon, found a way to avenge his people. He used all of the new faith to summon the souls of the dead to him. They surrounded him, forming an impenetrable armor. Sin was born. Yu Yevon lived on inside of Sin, living only to summon and to dream. Sin became the destroyer of Spira killing anything in its path.
The people of Bevelle lamented over what they had created and renounced machina. They created a new religion, forbidding the use of machina in hopes such a travesty would never happen again. With the new religion of Yevon established, the training of summoners began anew. Aeons would be Spira's ultimate power and hope of defeating Sin.
For a thousand years the Faith of Zanarkand have dreamed. Summoners make the pilgrimage in hopes of obtaining the Final Aeon, a summon so powerful it can vanquish Sin and bring the Calm. But the Calm never lasts. The summoner never survives. Sin always comes back.
1000 years ago a man named Jecht was the star player of the Blitzball team The Zanarkand Abes. He was married and had a son. He would go out to sea to train. On one of these occasions, Zanarkand was destroyed. He returned to find the city in ruin and his family dead. Jecht joins the other survivors and becomes a Fayth and dreams. In his dreams he watches his son grow into a man and a damn fine Blitz player. His life is pleasant in this Zanarkand the Fayth have created.
Yu Yevon lives only to summon, and so it was that he pulled Jecht into Spira. The fallen summoner, Lord Braska and his guardian Auron rescue Jecht from this strange world he has found himself in and he joins them on their pilgrimage. As he travels with Braska and Auron he comes to understand he will never see his home again, it is 1000 years gone. He sees this for himself when they arrive at the Zanarkand Ruins. When Braska must choose a guardian to become the Final Aeon, Jecht volunteers. He tells them "my dream is back in the other Zanarkand". He talks of the son he wanted to make a star Blitz player. He asks Auron to look after him. When Auron asks him how he's supposed to get to Zanarkand Jecht laughs. He knew that Auron would die. He knew an unsent could make it to his Zanarkand. He told Auron he knew he would think of something. Jecht also realized that he would become Sin, inheriting all of the powers that Sin had. Jecht would use that power to end Spira's spiral of death.
After the battle with Sin, only Auron was left alive. He confronted Lady Yunalesca and she struck him down. Now an unsent, Auron could go to Jecht's Zanarkand. Before going to Zanarkand, he meets Kihmari and asks him to find the daughter of Lord Braska and take her to Besaid. Kihmari does and Auron goes to look after the son of Jecht.
In time Jecht is able to manipulate the power of Sin. He draws from his own dream and brings his son to Spira. A gift of great love from father to son. The child that dies is given life again. Jecht knows, even in his muddled state of being Sin, that Auron and Tidus will find a way to eliminate Sin from Spira. They will find a way to let the Fayth finally rest.
As Tidus moves through Spira he encounters Sin. Jecht still sees him as the child he was when he died. Jecht shows him Sin's terrible power, urging Tidus to find a way to end the cycle of rebirth. The Fayth in Spira react to Tidus. They ask him to let them rest. He even sees his mother on the Farplane.
Summoner Yuna, daughter of Lord Braska chooses to throw away the false tradition of the Final Aeon. She and her guardians fight Yunalesca and defeat her. With the help of the outcast Al Bhed and their machina, they pierce Sin's armor and go after Yu Yevon directly. With Yu Yevon defeated, the Fayth in Spira finally move on to the Farplane and end their dreaming.
Jecht was a Fayth all along. When Yu Yevon ceased summoning, he was finally able to truly die and cross over to the Farplane after a thousand years of dreaming. In the end, father and son are reunited. Braska, Auron and Jecht come to guide Tidus to the Farplane.
Didn't you wonder why Braska chose Jecht over Auron? Sure he got to know him on their pilgrimage, but Braska and Auron were much closer and had known each other longer.....
Ever wonder why Braska went and bailed a total stranger out of jail and asked him to be his guardian? Braska believed Jecht about Zanarkand. Maybe Braska knew he was a Fayth. When Jecht volunteered to become the final Aeon, Braska let him. Maybe Braska knew Jecht could find a way to stop sin.
The survivors/Fayth of Zanarkand have been dreaming for 1000 years. I'm pretty sure that?s more then they bargained for. They probably would have thought they would only have to be Fayth long enough for the rest of their summoners to wipe out Bevelle... but then Sin shows up and starts to use their power. They could do nothing to stop it frozen in stone. 1000 years is a long time to dream trapped in stone. I would imagine some people went mad. Waking up from something like that must have been a real treat too. No wonder Jecht wanted to get slamming drunk. As he traveled thru Spira, Jecht came up with the plan. A 1000 year old Fayth is no dummy. The Fayth got Sins number. They know they got to kill it for good so they can finally die and go be reunited with their loved ones on the Farplane.
It took a Fayth to free the Fayth.


Tidus at the Zanarkand Blitzball stadium.
Tidus and the Fayth.