The movie begins with Dolores, played by Kathy Bates, standing over the dilapidated body of her employer at the base of the stairs. Dolores is holding a large marble rolling pin raised above her head to finish the old woman off just as she dies. Thats when the postman opens the door with a friendly greeting only to disover Dolores and a dead Vera Donovan.
Not long after, Dolores's daughter Selena arrives at the police station looking for her mother after hearing of the untimely and non-accidental death of her mother's 40+ year employer.
The detective in charge of the investigation is the same detective that investigated the accidental death of Dolores's husband, George St. George, many years before. He was positive Dolores killed her husband then but lacked the proof to place charges against her. But now, things are not as nice and tidy as the death of her husband and with an inheritance as a motive, detective Mackey has a chance to convict the woman that got away.
Regardless of Mackey's case and what he believes, Dolores is more concerned for her daughter and to convince Selena of her innocence. To do this, Dolores and Selena must relive the painful memories and events that lead up to the death of George St. George on the night of the eclipse.
Excellent performance by Cathy Bates and the special effects team did an amazing job creating the eclipse.