Platform: |
Movie |
Genre: |
Action/Adventure |
Publisher: |
Warner Bros. |
Released: |
2005 |

Batman ruins people's shit. It is awesome. You WILL see this movie. This is non-negotiable.
What a great Batman film! The series hasn't had a great history, for in my opinion in declined steadily after the first. However, this one really impressed me, and if they continue making Batman films in this style, I can forsee the series becoming great.
Plot: 7/10
The film starts off with Bruce Wayne falling into a well. He gets swarmed by bats before being rescued by his dad, and this causes him to have a phobia of bats that stays with him into his adulthood. Then one night, heading home after seeing an opera, Bruce and his parents are mugged by a thug named Joe Chill. Chill gets hasty, and ends up shooting both of Bruces parents dead. The first time we see Bruce in his adulthood, he's in jail. He ended up their after getting involved with criminals, attempting to see how their minds work. He is busted out by this guy, who introduces him to The League of Shadows. The League is made up of ninjas. The guy trains Bruce to become a member of the league, seeing his potential, but when Bruce is finally told to execute a murderer as final induction into the league, he refuses, and TOTALLY RUINS THEIR SHIT (he does this to people a lot) by burning down their building, and beating up their Ninjas, leaving their master for dead under a flaming log, yet for some reason saving the guy who brought him their and delivering him to a nearbye medicine man. Bruce then returns to Gotham to attend Joe Chill's parole hearing. I won't tell you what happens from then on, but I will tell you that the buildup to Bruce finally building the Batsuit is very well done.
Cinematography/Effects: 9/10
Very nicely shot. You really get the feeling of just how big Gotham is. The CGI also blends well here, and isn't distracting.
Sound: 10/10
The background music was very well chosen, and really helped to build up the mood.
Characters: 8/10
Christian Bale did a great job of portraying Bruce/Batman. He was believable, and did very well in the intense/anger sequences. Michael Caine was also a great choice for Alfred, providing doses of humour here and there.
All the other characters were good too. There wasn't one who I felt was miscast.
Overall: 9/10
A great film overall. See it! I'm almost certain it will help revive the Batman series.
© 2005 Warner Bros.
Bruce Wayne
Special Effects: |
9 |
Sound: |
10 |
Cinema - tography: |
9 |
Characters: |
8 |
Plot: |
7 |
Overall: |
9 |