Written by Tanoro
Sunday, 19 March 2006 |
Tanoro May 30th, 2005, 03:17 PM You know, I've noticed something that really bothers me about this forum. I dare to say that I conceal an abundant knowledge and worldly outlook on SOME subjects. I've always worked to get to that point. My English teacher from high school noticed this first and was quite impressed by it. But because of it, I am the subject of doubt by some other members of this forum. Do I really sound like I'm full of it when I speak my mind and throw a little self-discovered knowledge in? Does it really sound like I'm making stuff up when I speak? I don't try to sound pompous or superior to anyone, even though I probably end up sounding that way sometimes regardless. But am I to place references next to everything I say so no one thinks I'm lying or making stuff up? :(
It just gets really frustrating sometimes when I share factual information (not opinions) and someone says it's NOt true and I'm wrong for saying it. This is especially so when no reason for my being wrong is given. It's really rediculous.
CabbitGirl May 30th, 2005, 04:06 PM well i never really doubted anything you said...but i guess that might just be me
asrienne May 30th, 2005, 04:38 PM Well, I obviously haven't known you long, but I think you're honest enough. People who doubt others without proof are just foolish and shouldn't argue.
CabbitGirl May 30th, 2005, 06:11 PM *sigh* i just read the other topic this may have come from....im all for the misunderstanding. your stated information was taken the wrong way.
Tsuchii May 30th, 2005, 06:40 PM I havent known you long either, but when ever I cruise around, looking for something to do on here I like to check for new posts made by you, because I like reading what you write. ^_^ You seem like a very wise and interesting person to me. I hope I don't sound weird or something... ^^;;; I know I don't speak up much around here.... I'm sorry. But yeah.. I always think your ideas and opinions are valid...
Tanoro May 30th, 2005, 06:43 PM *sigh* i just read the other topic this may have come from....im all for the misunderstanding. your stated information was taken the wrong way.
That's what I thought too. But some people just can't take the concept that they might be wrong, so they distort the truth to squeeze their point into it. If I'm wrong, GREAT! Tell me why and I'll take it as a lesson for my benefit.
Thanks alot, Tsuchii. That means a lot.
Tsuchii May 30th, 2005, 06:54 PM Of course, Tanoro, I am only saying what is true for me ^__^
I didn't want you to think I was like, stalking you or something though O__O But I do like reading your posts.
Eeeks, I'm staying away from that religion-like thread, I dont want my head chopped off! D=
Fedic May 30th, 2005, 07:18 PM It's human nature to be suspicious of the unknown. If some guy off the street offered you a Brazilian history lesson, you would probably look at him funny and cross the street-quickly.
Tanoro May 30th, 2005, 07:28 PM Lol! You're probably right there. But although anonymous and secretive for the most part, I'm not a stranger here and I don't approach out of blue in such a way to frighten others. I agree that people are suspicious of the unknown. I guess that makes me somewhat unknown. However, this doesn't make me wrong.
Strider Hiryu May 30th, 2005, 08:34 PM Bah don't take it personally Tanaro. Some people here are just thick headed and don't see other people's sides or try and understand what they're saying (I've read the other topic and some people just don't understand where you're coming from (not gonna name any names)). Believe me I've had my fair share of it (though its passed). Keep spouting off the knowledge man, I find your posts quite interesting and informative (quite interested in Pagan ideals, I may be athiest but its always good to learn about other things in life).
Tanoro May 30th, 2005, 08:44 PM Thanks a lot! A little appreciation is all I needed. It helps to conquer the doubt I've been feeling. In return, I'll show my appreciation of you all. :D It's not much, but I just sent a couple of new smileys to Sledgestone to add to our already impressive collection. So far, I've made two with more on the way. Here's a taste of things to come.
http://members.aol.com/TanoroLockheart/sticks.gif <---Chopsticks!
http://members.aol.com/TanoroLockheart/snuggle.gif <---Snuggles!
Azrael May 30th, 2005, 09:03 PM A lot of normal, otherwise reasonable people turn into complete douchebags when you talk to them about things that can't be or haven't been proven in a lab. The best thing to do is ignore them and/or laugh at them behind their backs. :p
Wolflord May 30th, 2005, 09:55 PM For me, I'm suspicious mainly because I don't know what you're talking about, and I've had problems with believing people who turned out to be full of shit before (no offense man), so I like to remain healthily skeptical (if those are the right wordings). It's interesting stuff though.
DeathscytheX May 30th, 2005, 10:10 PM Everyone has different opinions on many various things on the forum. Politics, Religion, Environmental, Sony vs. Microsoft vs. Nintendo, Pepsi or Coke. You stick you belief out there, you just have to be ready to defend it. Its the way it has always been here for a long long time. That goes Triple for Politics and Religion. Infact there was a point in time were we werent even allowed to make topics on those 2 subjects.
I rather enjoy a good debate now in then. Especially on Console wars and Politics. You cant change anyones mind. trust me you wont here. The one thing I have learned in my 4-5 years here. It doesn't matter how much better your arguement is, It doesnt matter how right you are. You wont convince anyone to change there mind. It just isnt going to happen.
wolfos3d May 30th, 2005, 10:34 PM I normally read your posts because I'm interested in what you have to say. I don't think you are making stuff up. You've helped me out a couple of times as well.
Tanoro May 30th, 2005, 10:59 PM Everyone has different opinions on many various things on the forum. Politics, Religion, Environmental, Sony vs. Microsoft vs. Nintendo, Pepsi or Coke. You stick you belief out there, you just have to be ready to defend it. Its the way it has always been here for a long long time. That goes Triple for Politics and Religion. Infact there was a point in time were we werent even allowed to make topics on those 2 subjects.
I rather enjoy a good debate now in then. Especially on Console wars and Politics. You cant change anyones mind. trust me you wont here. The one thing I have learned in my 4-5 years here. It doesn't matter how much better your arguement is, It doesnt matter how right you are. You wont convince anyone to change there mind. It just isnt going to happen.
Then it would be prudent to assume the same for me, right? I probably won't change my mind either. But I AM willing to flex to a convincing arguement. However, no one is going to tell me to be prepared to defend my beliefs unless I put them on the table myself. I like a good debate as well, but when amidst a debate, I expect my rival to not lose his head and start flaming prematurely. I don't START flames and if I ever did by accident, I'd rightfully apologize. I expect the same of others as well.
It is, however, interesting that you pointed out that my arguement in the other thread as not convincing, yet you admit it doesn't matter how convincing it is. People aren't going to change their minds no matter what is said, right? An unusually unflexible position you have there.
DeathscytheX May 30th, 2005, 11:22 PM I know various people that no one can change their mind. But I like to debate with them anyways. Its a nice mind exercise. :p
To me it wasnt as convincing. I wasnt speaking for my mind, I was speaking out of experiance with debating with a vast array of people in this forum (as far as convicing arguments go). Trust me I have debated with Slippers on many occasions myself. I don't agree with slippers on everything, epsecially on matters of Christianity. I wont say you cant change my mind. but on that note it would be extremely difficult to do so.
The way I see it, people either love me or hate me. It doesn't matter to me. I dont sugar coat things, and I guess a "in your face" person at times. Its the way I have always been. I'm not going to change for anyone. I have my friends, and I have people on this very forum that hate my guts, for things that happend 3-4 years ago. Do I care? no I dont waste my time on grudge's. People will dislike you for how you are... you just gotta deal with it. Who cares if someone doesnt like you? thats their problem... they still have to follow the rules of the forum. My best friend on this forum and online use to hate my guts more than anyone. We use to go at it daily in almost every topic we both had a responce in. X'D We are very different people.
Stating people are putting words in your mouth, and calling them immature and bias doesnt win any hearts on that same scale. :p
Tanoro May 31st, 2005, 12:01 AM Stating people are putting words in your mouth, and calling them immature and bias doesnt win any hearts on that same scale.
It probably won't, but was I right in saying so? You implied that I gave up the debate because I couldn't admit to being wrong, thus trying to make me look foolish to everyone else. That was a mistake, plain and simple. That was an elementary school yard comment and quite immature. I thought that my offer of truce to Slippers was appropriate, but you stepped on it with your comment. It was harsh and wrong to do in a public forum.
I don't hold grudges against other people and I don't carry much weight on what others think of me. However, if someone feels it's necessary to sling mud at me, I'd rather it be for something I deserve.
DeathscytheX May 31st, 2005, 12:11 AM Im sorry but telling him he distorts the truth and puts words in your mouth and then turn around trying to call truce isn't really the best way to do it. especially since he did no such thing.
That was the second time in 2 days you ended a debate the exact same way with the exact same excuse. For someone that complains about that very thing you have a way of doing it yourself dont you? :p
Tanoro May 31st, 2005, 12:26 AM I'm a little tired at the moment and my memory is fuzzy. What was the other debate?
DeathscytheX May 31st, 2005, 12:37 AM Ah forgive me I was mistaken. it was 5 days ago. Time flys fast for me.
Once again, you've managed to put words in my mouth. Of course, as I mentioned, I expected you to do that. Oh well, it's well ended and I won't start it up again.
None the less strikingly similar ends bring forth appearance of trends. Im sure you remember that debate. Which is why I pointed it out. Not to make you look foolish if that is what you believe.
Tanoro May 31st, 2005, 12:56 AM Oh, you want to see references? Ok....
no more "rivals" to worry about. that's your words you used too. i didnt misunderstood you because you dont understand the religion.
In both of those sentences, Slippers wrongly attempts to speak for me, thus putting words in my mouth.
You seem to know what everyone else believes and the extent of my knowledge.
I never made such a claim or even vaguely implied that, so you're putting words in my mouth.
The pattern wasn't set by me. I merely noticed it.
DeathscytheX May 31st, 2005, 01:01 AM If you don't believe in it, then you obviously haven't taken time to learn anything about it, thus you have no authority to speak intelligently on the subject and DON'T belong in this debate!
Please. I dont say things for the hell of it.
Tanoro May 31st, 2005, 01:10 AM Perhaps I stated that wrong. I'm willing to say that. But I didn't imply that you say anything "for the hell of it." The point is, I don't either. But everyone seems to think I do, especially you and Slippers. Do you guys have something against me or something?
slippers May 31st, 2005, 01:15 AM Oh, you want to see references? Ok....
In both of those sentences, Slippers wrongly attempts to speak for me, thus putting words in my mouth.
Christians don't like it, but they now have a rival from the distant past that refused to lay down when they were told to die.
i was refering to that "rival"..and you mentioned samething on this thread as well.
I expect my rival to not lose his head and start flaming prematurely.
thus why i said less "rival" to worry about since you think christian are weak-minded at promoting religion.
DeathscytheX May 31st, 2005, 01:16 AM Perhaps I stated that wrong. I'm willing to say that. But I didn't imply that you say anything "for the hell of it." The point is, I don't either. But everyone seems to think I do, especially you and Slippers. Do you guys have something against me or something?
I cant speak for slippers on that. But I dont, nor do i think you say things for the hell of it.
Trust me, If I had something against you I'd let you know.
If we all agreed on everything life would be boring.
Tanoro May 31st, 2005, 01:20 AM thus why i said less "rival" to worry about since you think christian are weak-minded promoting religion.
Oh for goodness sake! When did I say that!?!? I was talking about Christians who oppress other religions in their pitch are weak-minded! I didn't mean every Christian or even every Christian interested in promoting their religion and I made that quite clear. Is it so hard to understand what I'm saying!?
DeathscytheX May 31st, 2005, 01:22 AM ::yawn:: I am so going to bed now... have fun! ROTFL
CabbitGirl May 31st, 2005, 01:45 AM *sigh* i think this debate should end. it's a big waste of energy. if one side wants to stop the other won't. so why not call a truce here?
Tanoro May 31st, 2005, 01:53 AM Agreed. I offered the truce in the other thread, but it was closed already. The truce still stands here.
xelloss May 31st, 2005, 02:21 AM this is fun to read. :D
dxito sama!!! how come i'm not your favorite :cry: :(
you are breaking my heart *dies*
wolfos3d May 31st, 2005, 02:37 AM I think we need a debate forum...
CabbitGirl May 31st, 2005, 02:44 AM ya, i agree, a debate forum should be put up
slippers May 31st, 2005, 03:03 AM Oh for goodness sake! When did I say that!?!? I was talking about Christians who oppress other religions in their pitch are weak-minded! I didn't mean every Christian or even every Christian interested in promoting their religion and I made that quite clear. Is it so hard to understand what I'm saying!?
that's not what you said what weak-minded christians are. you gave me different version every time.
According to Christians, God is the one who will ultimately convert man to Christianity. If this is so, then Christians who take it upon themselves to alienate those of other religions in some weak-minded attempt to convert them will ultimately work against their own religious ways. Funny how that works.
"according to christians." without specification, that's generalizing. i was offended at that and quoted scripture in defense. assuming weak-minded are ppl who alienates other religion by thinking that their faith is only true. and then you responded that you were referring to the book.
Actually, I WAS referring to the book. This book states, "Christianity teaches that it is ultimately the Holy Spirit who compels people to become Christians. In other words, even if you are a Christian, it is not your job to save anyone. In fact, if you come across as so annoying to a person who might otherwise be interested in Christianity, annoying to the point that you push that person away, then you have actually underminded your religion, rather than promoting it!" ~Carl McColman, When Someone You Love is Wiccan. You do not agree that coversion in this way sounds "weak-minded"? It does to me, hence the reason I called it that. However, it means that I think this style of "conversion" is weak-minded, NOT Christianity or Christians.
now no christian at all are weak-minded after refering to a book regarding how christians convert ppl by oppressing them. but wait, it says ANNOYING them. i dont see the connection what exact "weak-mind" you are refering to. it was off topic to mention the book to begin with.
also i refuted with there was no indication that judge was a christian but you refuse to reply and said i put things in your mouth. article wasnt clear and was too broad so there was no place to judge anything.
btw..belittling me and calling the truce appropriate? plus calling my defense of belief "rediculous" afterwise, and then cry about it at rant/raves shows much of your sincerity so far as "truce" goes. if you post more biased crap about christianity i will defend it. i'm sure you will do for the same with your belief. i dont need your permission to when can and cant i defend while you're having field day with my religion.
CabbitGirl May 31st, 2005, 03:18 AM plus calling my defense of belief "rediculous"
i don't recall seeing the word rediculous, nonetheless a direct or implied quote saying that your defense was rediculous
slippers May 31st, 2005, 03:42 AM i'm assuming you mean there wasnt?
anyways, it's under fedic's post. it's not clear though that he was referring to eyerolling smilie or actual topic. but i highly doubt the latter after what he said.
CabbitGirl May 31st, 2005, 03:43 AM yes, i meant that there wasn't
Tanoro May 31st, 2005, 04:45 AM that's not what you said what weak-minded christians are. you gave me different version every time.
"according to christians." without specification, that's generalizing. i was offended at that and quoted scripture in defense. assuming weak-minded are ppl who alienates other religion by thinking that their faith is only true. and then you responded that you were referring to the book.
now no christian at all are weak-minded after refering to a book regarding how christians convert ppl by oppressing them. but wait, it says ANNOYING them. i dont see the connection what exact "weak-mind" you are refering to. it was off topic to mention the book to begin with.
btw..belittling me and calling the truce appropriate? plus calling my defense of belief "rediculous" afterwise, and then cry about it at rant/raves shows much of your sincerity so far as "truce" goes. if you post more biased crap about christianity i will defend it. i'm sure you will do for the same with your belief. i dont need your permission to when can and cant i defend while you're having field day with my religion.
Is there anything you can't distort?! What the h*ll forum are YOU reading from?! Forget it! I'm not discussing this with YOU anymore because you can do NOTHING except make up your own meanings to what I say instead of trying to understand. YOU are the one trying to turn this into a religious flame war, NOT me. END IT NOW!!!!!!!!!
Sledgstone May 31st, 2005, 08:18 AM *locks topic* for everyone involved, don't continue a locked topic.
*back on topic*
But am I to place references next to everything I say so no one thinks I'm lying or making stuff up?
if you're posting "Facts" then post "Sources" to avoid mis-interpretation. and being knowledgeable is fine, but posting "Facts" constantly can make one appear condescending. and depending on the presentation it can also be considered inciting an argument. for me, talking to a person and hearing their opinions is alot more fun than talking to an encyclopedia. ^_~
Ladywriter May 31st, 2005, 10:42 AM I think we need a debate forum...
I got 2 words for ya
I'm not going to make a forum for ppl to bash and flame, because that is exactly what it would turn into.
Dx has already pointed out that in the past no one was even allowed to post anything having to do with religion or politics.
Why you ask?
Because people will hold on to their core belifes no matter what anyone else says. They may adjust more minor ways of thinking when presented with new information, but their overall belife system and opnion is not going to change just because somebody on a message board gave them some facts.
Debate is fine, bullshit argueing and attacking is not. With belife comes conviction and ppl will naturally stick up for what they belive in.
And now ya know why I don't follow any one religion.