Thoughts spawned on day three... PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sabe   
Sunday, 19 March 2006
February 26th, 2005, 08:17 AM
The third day in a row without sleep...

Man prays, by looking to the ground, while beliving that Heaven's Gate, is in the skys, because the bible itself says, "...and He looked down from Heaven...". This would be percived as a contradiction by most realists...However, the opposite is true, that is best, simply because it shows The Darkness that you have faith, and will not be tempted by it's sway. This is my thoughts base .
Yet again, when in times of great need/fear, man prays looking to the heavens. This too would seem as though saying(by the theory I just stated) that the person is forsking Him and looking to his own inner Darkness. This isn't true either. The man is hoping that He will look down and see his face, and grant him His blessings. This is the contradiction of my own thought.
Overall, it comes to my attention, that it doesn't matter where you look...He will still hear you, fear just tells you where to look because somtimes his atttention is focused solely upon your heart...This is the solution, and end of my thought.

I originally posted this in my live journal...But I thought that some people here might find it interesting, too...

February 26th, 2005, 01:46 PM
Pretty interesting read, and for most part that you've stated as untrue in your journal, has me thinking. Just reinforces the logic that there's 2 or more ways to look at one thing in isolation, rather than just 1 way in itself.

February 26th, 2005, 02:03 PM
Perhaps you should end that streak...

It's interesting the things one thinks under the influence of sleep deprivation, but it's not a particularly healthy way to live.

February 26th, 2005, 02:18 PM
I have this thing, where god knows how - once in every 3-4 months, I go without sleeping for 11-15 days at a stretch, no afternoons, no naps whatsoever. It just happens and those days n nights help me gather my thoughts and look back or analyse something. Last time, it happened in October 04 and I found myself watching Naruto from 1 - 90 something ^_^. Uh oh, I'm due for another set of sleepless nights *sweats*

February 26th, 2005, 02:23 PM
o_O How do you function?

February 26th, 2005, 07:02 PM
That's freaky. I wish I could do that.

February 27th, 2005, 12:24 AM
Well, I really don't know how I can do it ^_^ ... what can I say, it just happens. Probably I have too many thoughts that need thinking or there's an urge of anxiety about something coming up or discovered ... I can't put a finger on it.

February 27th, 2005, 01:35 AM
dayum ggrave..that's cool 0_o i would probably get a flu or something if i try to pass like 2 day straight without sleep.

February 27th, 2005, 02:02 AM
i feel like sucha wimp...i am just getting over a cold/flu thing (i don't really know what it is) that i think was mainly brought on by lack of sleep...but its not that i was getting ridiculously small amounts of sleep just several hours less thatn what im used to...

February 27th, 2005, 08:08 AM
I don't really understand why people have problems with no sleep. Being an insomniac by nature, I can go for weeks without sleep...Especially if I have a new story I'm writing, business to do, or a new game...My record is still 19 days straight playing Resident Evil 4.

February 27th, 2005, 11:06 AM
i remember seeing a tv special about sleep deprivation.. this radio talkshow guy went 30 days with no sleep as a promotion.. supposedly it caused brain damage or something, his personality and behavioural pattern completely changed. @_@

February 27th, 2005, 12:41 PM
That is easily possible Sledge ... Sabe, 19 days is pretty cool and must've been endearing for you. I remember the time when I finished Quake, Quake II, Duke Nukem 3D in one span of my 15 days and it was so frustrating - remembering/trying to locate secrets and hidden stages (Duke).

February 27th, 2005, 10:56 PM
im not positive, but im sure the brain damage was caused by too much caffiene, which was most likely his source of energy.

but yah to look at the origanal statement more, you look down when praying usualy because its a regular prayer and you are more so out of habit, or out of fear. and when in desperation you are attempting to look as sorry and desperate as possible, so in affect trying to guilt trip your god.
thats just what i suspose though

February 28th, 2005, 12:55 AM
For me it was always a matter of whether I was looking for God within or without, whether I was calling on the more personal or universal aspects of the deity. Eyes open and up to take in as much as possible, or down and closed to shut out the world.

March 1st, 2005, 06:22 PM
Ah...Someone who gets the underlying meaning of what I ment(without knowing, too...I think). I think that your heart does things without really giving you a reason...kinda like how you react in a fight without really intending to(like ducking at the right time, and swinging was what you were going to do).
Your heart does what the situation calls for, whether or not you realize it or not, it will always be what is needed. The thing that I think I was trying to get to, at least, that's what my sis says, is the fact that most people pray without thinking. They do the actions without thinking about what they mean, and the responce is an ingrained fact.
However, the fact really is, is that your heart is really pulling you in, so that you can be heard, and the fact relaxes your mind and causes your head to droop. Meditation is the same, really...It causes the mind to take in the conciousness, and the bodys responces to lessen to minimize interferrence. Prayer is the same. It pulls the heart into the mind, so that what is said is said by the heart, and your head droops so that you no longer look at anything that would be a distraction.
So, theoretically, the heart speaks, the mind channels, and He listens. Almost like soul speaking without thought...

March 1st, 2005, 10:03 PM
the soul is what gives us feelings, its like a conduit through which the Lord speaks to us...
-Boondock Saints