I just.. can't do it anymore |
Written by Camron
Sunday, 09 April 2006 |
Camron November 22nd, 2004, 03:46 PM Whenever I go to do my math homework I just sit there staring at it.. daydreaming about something else. I try to motivate myself and I'll finish a problem or two.. and then I'll be off again.
Each math assignment is worth 2 points and takes me half a freaking hour each or more..
It's not worth it. Nothing I'v tried has helped.. I just can't do homework--at home atleast.
kagome is so hot November 22nd, 2004, 04:22 PM i have the same problem its normal dude dont worry ur not alone...im just lucky i just have to read the hw cause our algebra teach dont check hw for accuracy...i seam to do well at everything its weird cause im stupid
Strider Hiryu November 22nd, 2004, 04:40 PM I suffer from the same problem Cammy. This is why I don't do my homework. I usually don't do it till right before class (which I'm usually sitting in school so I can). This remedies my problem of not being able to do it at home. Though I warn you this tactic does not work for everyone (my friends have felt the sting of a teacher giving them a bad grade for rushing it like I do). Normally though I just don't do it. I figure its college now, they don't give a rats ass how we do as long as they're paid for teaching us (which half the time you don't learn anything from them). Thats probably why my grade point avg. this semester is a 2.5 (should be damn near a 3.8 since I was a straight A student in highschool)
Mimiru November 22nd, 2004, 05:47 PM if it takes you more than thirty minutes talk to your teacher. thats way to hard.
Camron November 22nd, 2004, 06:15 PM It's not really that hard.. theres just something wrong with me x_x I can't focus.
I cant get bad grades :/ .. if I do my financial aid will be at risk.. and then I'd have to face the wrath of my family.
kagome is so hot November 22nd, 2004, 06:42 PM so i cant focus dude ive been racking my brain of a story to write and i cant think of one so i think of stories instead of doing hw and like i get my ass busted for it its normal!!!!!! get a grip ur normal ur not stupid or whatever u think u ar when u say u cant do somthing cause ur stupid or somthing u either cant or [most of the time] ppl dont feel like doing it but i really dont thik ur just not doing it u can but u cant focus and theres nothing wrong with that [im gonna stop before i sound like a phyciarist{sp?} cause i hate phyciarists]
slippers November 22nd, 2004, 07:41 PM adult ADD?
Dogmatix November 22nd, 2004, 10:22 PM I feel your pain. For the past year or so, I just haven't been able to concentrate on math. There's no motivation to do so and the pace and lack of depth teachers have for the lessons doesn't help at all. It takes me about a couple of hours to do my math homework most of the time. I hate how they don't even teach half the material either. They only give examples of the easiet application of the rule and when hw comes, it's multipart. The funny thing is when they go over it in class it takes them 3 overheards to do one freaking problem. And physics isn't any different. I take about half an hour on each problem after the first two which is really sad 'cause most people seem to just breeze or at least BS breeze through them. I can't even BS fast. It's so sad. >.<'
Evangelina November 22nd, 2004, 11:35 PM Well I believe I should now something about this since I get at least 2 hours of HW each night. When I try to do HW and I can't get myself to do it, I either go for a walk around the town or lay down and just think. Then I get my to sit down and just get it done. I ususlly listen to music to have me up. In the middle of the year I just look at my HW and I don't see a point in it. When will I ever face a problem in my life where Nagar has to find which is better a five oz of fruit for 2.75 or a 7 oz for 15.83 and how would the store graph the sale rate. Then I have to carry on even if I don't give a carp for Nadar's fruit. School is difficult with life at home, work, and trying to keep up in class.
Just try to keep your mind clear and put your priorities in order. Find a place where you can be at peace, away from your troubles, and reflect on what's going on. Don't take things all at once but rather one at a time. When you do your math hw clear your mind of every thing else. ;)
(I sound like a yoga instructor.)
Mimiru November 23rd, 2004, 03:33 PM adult ADD?X'D
Dubird November 23rd, 2004, 07:51 PM actually, in college, yeah they do give a rat's ass.....there are the occasional professors that don't care, but a majority of them do grade on substance.....
although, i usually did my HS homework in other classes....or during lunch....not having friends did pay off in one way.....*shrugs*....i had pretty easy classes in HS, which is probally why i had trouble in college.....i had virtually no study habits, so i would always panic, pull all-nighters, and BS my way through assignments.....sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.....i always wonder what would've happened if i had actually studied correctly....*shrugs*.....
suffice to say, learn good study habits now.....it'll pay off later....as for doing homework, what Evangelina said is probally the best advice i can think of....find somewhere or some incentive to do your work....
Crimson King November 23rd, 2004, 10:19 PM Well, like Slippers said: it might be A.D.D. ...
But my father always told me: "you don't have a.d.d., you just need a good kick in the ass every once in a while." In other words, you aren't motivated enough.
Also, do your schoolwork in a different enviornment. When you do your work in your room, you tend to daydream. Because your brain tells you that that's where you sleep/relax, and whatever else. So do it at the kitchen table or something... Or try doing it somewhere else.
Mike 1508 November 24th, 2004, 09:54 AM i know how u feal, im the same way, i cant do homework at home, of corse i have ADD though
kagome is so hot November 24th, 2004, 12:21 PM i have a.d.h.d.
Mimiru November 28th, 2004, 08:53 PM yup sure u do...... i think you do.. u act like u do man
Kasumi-chan November 29th, 2004, 10:49 AM I have some trouble focusing sometimes too, some of that is normal. However, if you can't concentrate at all then there is a problem.
3PO November 29th, 2004, 08:02 PM actually, in college, yeah they do give a rat's ass.....there are the occasional professors that don't care, but a majority of them do grade on substance.....
although, i usually did my HS homework in other classes....or during lunch....not having friends did pay off in one way.....*shrugs*....i had pretty easy classes in HS, which is probally why i had trouble in college.....i had virtually no study habits, so i would always panic, pull all-nighters, and BS my way through assignments.....sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.....i always wonder what would've happened if i had actually studied correctly....*shrugs*.....
suffice to say, learn good study habits now.....it'll pay off later....as for doing homework, what Evangelina said is probally the best advice i can think of....find somewhere or some incentive to do your work....
wow man, that post made me put down my poorly lit pokemon game do my homework. I guess I've never heard it from real people. I mean, you hear people saying that stuff in movies and your parents. but a stranger will do it for ya. had I read this a few weeks ago when my life was weird and I never thought about what people said I would of skipped to the next post after your first line :) but, thanks. just out of the blue. thanks :)
Wolflord November 29th, 2004, 09:36 PM Well I believe I should now something about this since I get at least 2 hours of HW each night. When I try to do HW and I can't get myself to do it, I either go for a walk around the town or lay down and just think. Then I get my to sit down and just get it done. I ususlly listen to music to have me up. In the middle of the year I just look at my HW and I don't see a point in it. When will I ever face a problem in my life where Nagar has to find which is better a five oz of fruit for 2.75 or a 7 oz for 15.83 and how would the store graph the sale rate. Then I have to carry on even if I don't give a carp for Nadar's fruit. School is difficult with life at home, work, and trying to keep up in class.
Just try to keep your mind clear and put your priorities in order. Find a place where you can be at peace, away from your troubles, and reflect on what's going on. Don't take things all at once but rather one at a time. When you do your math hw clear your mind of every thing else. ;)
(I sound like a yoga instructor.) Lol I talk to you for 3 hours and you're always doing homework @_@. or you just talk to me. And 3p0, Dubie's a girl. And I sympathize. I can't do homework. There's just no point to me. And I have no study habits.
Evangelina November 30th, 2004, 11:39 PM lol true true. HW is like a annoying brother it won't go away unless you do something to it. *looks at younger brother breathing behind my neck*
Vincent December 1st, 2004, 06:03 AM lay off the video games :p
Mimiru December 1st, 2004, 03:18 PM lol i jsut do my work in study hall.
Camron December 1st, 2004, 03:42 PM Lately I'v been forcing myself to go to school.. Even when I don't have class, or dont need to go.. just so I can get some work done ;-;
If I have access to games.. there is no holding me back. It's an addiction..
Wolflord December 1st, 2004, 04:41 PM Yea I know I can't work unless im in school... It's a bitch believe me.
Yumiko December 2nd, 2004, 06:28 PM Mwahahaha! My senior year in highschool and all I'm taking are art classes and then the required English....English is easy for me because I'm a theatre/drama brat and have already studied British Lit. in there.
I did have the same problem last year...my parents took me to a bloody shrink and they said I have ADHD! WHO CARES?! I still won't take the meds. Lol
If I have ADHD then how can I sit for hours upon hours sitting and painting with no problem. It's because Math is boring. That's the problem peoples. It's bloody boring!
Mike 1508 December 3rd, 2004, 10:18 AM i hate English, i always had a hard time passing it
Azrael December 3rd, 2004, 06:07 PM I usually have 2-3 hours of homework a night, but I only do about thirty minutes of it. It's kinda becoming a bad thing, since I actually need to read for some of my classes now. :\ The math we're doing is kind of interesting, but it also gives me violent seizures that prevent me from doing anything else productive for several hours afterwards.
kagome is so hot December 3rd, 2004, 06:40 PM school sucks ass!!!!!!! omg i got grounded from the computer last week cause of my english teacher told my dad she gave me a letter to get him to sign but thats bullshit!!!!!!
i got no letter that lying bitch
Mike 1508 December 3rd, 2004, 10:54 PM i never do homework, as soon as that 2:30 bell rings, thats cuting into my time, it gets done in school or it doesnt get done
kagome is so hot December 4th, 2004, 03:38 PM lol mike im the same way what doesnt get done in school doesnt get done at all
coldcheese December 6th, 2004, 05:47 PM Research paper due January 18th.. I can easilly see myself up at 4:00AM on the 18th doing it.
/me slaps self with the procrastinator stick
Azrael December 6th, 2004, 06:53 PM Hehe...joint project for Environmental Science due tomorrow because our teacher fucking vounteered us to go first, but here I sit browsing an old forum.
Saiel December 6th, 2004, 07:07 PM Hellooo week before finals.
Hellooo worst procrastination of my life.
DeathscytheX December 6th, 2004, 07:28 PM I finished my history final paper in 20 minutes tops, i never studied and scored 92 98 96 and 101 on my tests. X'D
*runs away from jill*
Azrael December 6th, 2004, 07:34 PM Same kinda shit I do. I've never studied more than about thirty minutes for an exam, but I passed all my APs and almost always get 90+ on finals.
But. I'm not in college. How much worse is it?
DeathscytheX December 6th, 2004, 07:36 PM Same kinda shit I do. I've never studied more than about thirty minutes for an exam, but I passed all my APs and almost always get 90+ on finals.
But. I'm not in college. How much worse is it?
college is much different from highschool, its very hit or miss, it depends on if you get a good or bad professor, you have to rely on word of mouth from your peers to find out who to take for what subject. alot of times you can get away with a higher grade than what you deserved :p
Saiel December 6th, 2004, 07:49 PM college is much different from highschool, its very hit or miss, it depends on if you get a good or bad professor, you have to rely on word of mouth from your peers to find out who to take for what subject. alot of times you can get away with a higher grade than what you deserved :p Depends on the school. :p
Also, high school prep is important. My high school was known as a "college prep school" essentially, and we were always told how much easier a time we would have in college because of it...of course, most of those students didn't try and went on to USI, basically an extended high school...whereas other univiersities, (mine included >_< ), are so demanding and expectant that you'll feel like a complete idiot in half of your classes...
So, really, you need to look at college as whether you want to graduate with a high GPA, or whether you'd like to actually learn while there.
DeathscytheX December 6th, 2004, 07:50 PM Learning = Nothing
High GPA = Job and $$$
Barter Frog December 6th, 2004, 07:50 PM The trick to college from what I have been told.
Is to find the teachers that take all of the football players and other jocks.
Those teachers are the most leniant. All of the players have to go on trips missing all kinds of classes.
Teachers get kick backs of free tickets.
I had trouble with doing school work also. It wasn't a lack of motivation, it was a lack of interest. That is why I write songs and no longer go to college.
I am going to a cool place in february. It's called the recording workshop. They teach you how to be a music producer.
:D :D :cool: :cool:
Saiel December 6th, 2004, 07:57 PM Learning = Nothing
High GPA = Job and $$$
X'D My line of work is never "job and $$$" so I don't really care. :p
Anyway, GPA gets you into college from high school, not a good job from college...we're talking resume here. :p
Edit: You can't paste words here? I don't know how to make the accents over the "e"s on the keyboard...
DeathscytheX December 6th, 2004, 08:00 PM My line of work is never "job and $$$" so I don't really care. :p
Anyway, GPA gets you into college from high school, not a good job from college...we're talking resume here. :p
Edit: You can't paste words here? I don't know how to make the accents over the "e"s on the keyboard...
I know alot of people that didnt get a job cuzz they didn't perform well in class, while they got a degree they just got by. :p
who would want an engineer building a bridge when he passed with a 70% in his engineering classes, or a bunisness man that failed accounting X'D you know what i mean? A lot of employeers look at what you did in college, especially if its your first job without any experiance in the field.
Dubird December 8th, 2004, 12:21 PM The trick to college from what I have been told.
Is to find the teachers that take all of the football players and other jocks.
Those teachers are the most leniant. All of the players have to go on trips missing all kinds of classes.
Teachers get kick backs of free tickets.
not true.....all teachers get free tickets.....in fact, in most schools, the students get free tickets as well.....
Saosin December 9th, 2004, 07:18 PM I hate algerbra and geometry..anything that has 2 do with and kind of math
Wolflord December 14th, 2004, 08:38 PM Math is easy for me. Most of our homework there isn't marked so I don't bother with it. My biggest problem in school is history/geography. This is because we get a lot of homework in that field and I have trouble doing homework.
Saiel December 14th, 2004, 08:41 PM not true.....all teachers get free tickets.....in fact, in most schools, the students get free tickets as well.....
Ditto that. It's odd to think that you wouldn't somewhere...
kagome is so hot December 14th, 2004, 09:04 PM i hate all math and english but im soo good at them i never study and i never get under 65% unless i turn it in late wich happens alot. im ok in biology history and geography. i hate my engish teacher who says "you are to focused in getting good grades you need to take the time to learn it" im like what the fuck u cant not learn something and get a good grade on it during a test my english teacher is soo stupid she needs to be reducated or somthing cause she is retarded. dumb annoying bitch. she fuckin humilates me in front of the class i wish i could just knock her teeth out and one of these days i might cause she is such an asshole
Saiel December 14th, 2004, 09:10 PM i hate all math and english but im soo good at them i never study and i never get under 65% unless i turn it in late wich happens alot. im ok in biology history and geography. i hate my engish teacher who says "you are to focused in getting good grades you need to take the time to learn it" im like what the fuck u cant not learn something and get a good grade on it during a test my english teacher is soo stupid she needs to be reducated or somthing cause she is retarded. dumb annoying bitch. she fuckin humilates me in front of the class i wish i could just knock her teeth out and one of these days i might cause she is such an asshole
Maybe your English teacher is just jealous of your grammatical superiority?
kagome is so hot December 14th, 2004, 09:33 PM lol maybe or maybe smartasses like u piss her off
wolfos3d April 10th, 2005, 10:15 AM I have probs doing any homework. I sit there, look at it, walk around the house 10 times, sit down and go on the net. I managed to do one piece of homework on anime but other then that its in a different langauge.
wolfos3d April 10th, 2005, 10:20 AM They are thinking of altenative schooling for me. Where I get to do subjects I want! Is Anime a school subject?
Kasumi-chan April 13th, 2005, 05:18 PM This is really odd, it's a few weeks before the end of the year and NOW I run out of motivation. As usual, I wait until the worst possible time, I just don't want to do anything right now, and I'm really tired. -_-; -_-; I hate this, I KNOW I have stuff to do, but I don't want to do it.
Azrael April 13th, 2005, 11:25 PM Interesting that when this fairly old topic is revived, I'm in the same position as when I first posted in it: big project due tomorrow, but progress is being hampered by my crippling case of "senioritis."
Mibu_Kyoshiro April 14th, 2005, 02:42 AM Senioritis isn't a bad thing. Some of the best times I've had come directly from senioritis. When I'm supposed to be doing work, I go and do something fun and that always leads to some sort of an adventure.
Even if that adventure is just my buddy and I playing quarters with some Jack.
Hell_Cat_18 April 20th, 2005, 11:17 AM Totally know that feeling Cammy...I can't do homework either, never could sit still long enough to work on it. If I did it while I was at school then no problem, but once I got home forget it. When I had to do math though...I found that playing music and having a calculator handy helped. :happy:
Wolflord April 20th, 2005, 06:27 PM Totally know that feeling Cammy...I can't do homework either, never could sit still long enough to work on it. If I did it while I was at school then no problem, but once I got home forget it. When I had to do math though...I found that playing music and having a calculator handy helped. :happy: Same thing for me... What's helped me so far is just not getting homework haha... But seriously, try and do it at school, or set a specific time everyday to do it, and that might help.
Hell_Cat_18 April 20th, 2005, 08:45 PM Also don't try to do it when you have somewhere to be or you're waiting to go somewhere...that just create distractions and *trust me* you'll never get it done.
Wolflord April 20th, 2005, 09:21 PM Yea, I never get it done when I'm waiting for something. It always helps me to do it somewhere that isn't your room, or computer room or whatever.
Hell_Cat_18 April 20th, 2005, 09:39 PM Yes quiet is your only one and true ally. :meh:
Wolflord April 20th, 2005, 09:42 PM Well no, I like noise when I work, I just don't like being too comfy, or too distracted...
Camron June 7th, 2005, 11:18 PM This problem I've got is seriously making me wonder if I have ADHD or something..
i mean.. its the day before finals, and i cant do my homework or even read any of my textbook for the life of me.. .. im broken, and i have no where to go..
Honeybee June 7th, 2005, 11:34 PM what happend last week
was at desk with paper and pencil and science binder
thoughts like do it! get it done before hand! and come on work were going through my head.
my responce= i wonder whats on tv? *walks to tv room*
anyway im a perfectionist (seroiusly) so i always have drive but not until the end and at of the year i cant focus at all but thankful i did that big science work and raised grade from D to B- heh heh heh
little stuff such as Acc math and S.S. i dont care about at last trimester it a habbit
my theroy
1st trimester = good grades (cause your interested)
2nd trimester= medium (your bored)
3rd trimester = bad grades (cause your tried of the same insperational speeches coming out of your S.S teachers mouth.. 1st time insperational 2nd time reminder 3rd time SHUT UP!!!!!!
redblood June 9th, 2005, 12:30 AM sounds like camron that you either have to hard of math or too easy. my math teacher gave me to hard of math homework for one trimester, i didn't do any of it because i thought it was ointless so i got an F for that part of the year
CabbitGirl June 9th, 2005, 01:42 AM heh, i failed history. i dont care about half the stuff that we learn in world history. also, it doesnt help that its first period. i also failed last marking period because i didnt write the thesis paper that was worth 20% of the grade. eh, oh well...
math, on the other hand, it either comes easy to you, or its hard.....for me, its pretty easy. my teacher hates me though.....i can prove it too....she gave me a C for her class, but i got a B+ on the midterm. i did all my work 2nd markind period (and passed all the tests too) so i didnt understand unless it was that she didnt like me.
Camron June 9th, 2005, 10:20 AM Redblood- lol.. math is long gone now, I somehow passed the class.. I dotn remember what grade I got though. Probably not too hot, but it was still a pass. *shrug*
The math class I was taking was basically the same one I took in highschool.. so that was really annoying.. (painfully easy stuff)
Cabbit- participation points?
redblood June 9th, 2005, 09:48 PM so you already learned it and didn't want to continue
dudeman July 2nd, 2005, 03:25 PM maybe theres something important on your mind thats what it was with me i couldn't focus on my work at home because of what jessa said to me it took me awhile to realise that that was the problem p.s. i know kagome is hot got banned but i need to talk to him cus my pal chris also has a.d.h.d its important
totoro April 7th, 2006, 05:11 PM Think about it this way: Faceing your teacher empty handed OR doing your homework, no matter how long it takes. I would do my homework. My teacher scares me.
dudeman April 7th, 2006, 07:22 PM Think about it this way: Faceing your teacher empty handed OR doing your homework, no matter how long it takes. I would do my homework. My teacher scares me. Don't mean to be rude, but was that really worth the bump?
*Looks at above post* Oh gods, my posts were so crappy back then