Evaluate your winter PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ladywriter   
Sunday, 19 March 2006
March 18th, 2005, 08:06 AM
Just out of (morbid) curiosity how bad or how mild was this winter where you live?

Location: central New York

Temps: Jan Feb March temps were up to 20 degrees below normal

Precipitation: Snow didn't really start sticking to the ground until November. Snowfall was irregular. Repeated, massive storms dumping 5+ inches at a time, some storms lasting up to 3 days.

March 18th, 2005, 11:17 AM
Right now...I wish the weather would just make up it's mind...the other day it hit 85 degrees...I live in Kansas right at the four corners of the four states...and it was 85 degrees in the middle of March! The very next day it was 32 degrees...so I'd have to say mild...but crazy as Hell. -_-;

March 18th, 2005, 11:35 AM
That's pretty nasty Lady -_-; ... and I reckon people on here from Can would have lower temp reports or so.

Location - Mumbai, India

Temps - Pretty normal so far. Lowest temp recorded this winter was about 14-16 degrees Celcuis.

I have the a/c on throughout the year, everyday, except on a very few monsoon nights ^_^

Princess Tasha
March 18th, 2005, 11:42 AM
location - British Columbia, Canada

Our weather here is always nice. We may get a bit of rain and it may get cold (a damp cold) but the last time we actually got what I would call a "real" snow dumping was back in 1996 and that almost shut the city down.

March 18th, 2005, 11:59 AM
location: aliso viejo, ca

it wasn't so cold i would say. however, i heard that we had the wettest winter in a century 5 or 6 storms right after another....

March 18th, 2005, 12:15 PM
*looks outside and sees all kinds of snow*

Thats about how its been here in Chicago. A whole lot of snow and a whole lot of cold.

At least its kinda getting better.