Strongest Gundam Wing/GW:EW Suit PDF Print E-mail
Written by BlitzZ   
Monday, 24 July 2006
August 30th, 2004, 04:19 PM
i would probably say its a tie between Tallgeese 3 and Wing Zero Custom. both are the most balanced in my opinion.

August 30th, 2004, 04:46 PM
Heavyarms Custom, no contest.

August 30th, 2004, 06:01 PM
who is piloting the mechs? that'll decide the outcome of this question. ^_~

but if it were all up to mech stats tho, Wing Zero Custom would own the tallgeese 3. ;)

August 30th, 2004, 07:07 PM
matter of *persistent* in a sense of the "strongest" for the lack of term..i dont think i made any sense there..anyways, wing zero custom is the weakest in my opinion for breaking apart just blasting twin buster rifle. sandrock custom's sword broke off and it was pretty defensless after that, so is heavy arms when it runs out of ammo, tallgeese 3 isnt even made of gundanium.

i hate to say it but nataku custom is the best regardless of pilot.

August 30th, 2004, 07:20 PM
thats some valid points. but i think wing zero custom broke because of the combination of being attacked by the base he was blasting and the previous battle with epyon. i always have been found of nataku custom tho. and the battle between nataku custom and wing zero custom could have been much better if heero was more into the battle than trying to reason with wufei.

August 30th, 2004, 07:27 PM
i never thought of battle they fought between epyon and wing zero had any affect on EW because it had it's gundam face fixed year ago. good point nonetheless. it was hard to believe how easily wing zero custom came apart after few blasts, it makes some sense now. maybe heero decided it didnt need full repair since war was over and it was destined to be destroyed.

August 30th, 2004, 10:25 PM
oops. i got the end of GW and EW mixed up. ^_^;; heero would have had the gundam fixed because it took so much damage from the epyon fight and blowing up that chunk of libra.

err.. i said epyon.. i meant nataku. the fight with nataku custom. he fought with wufei and took damage and fell in the water, right after that he flew over to the base and starting blasting with the twin buster rifle while he was already damaged, then as he was blasting he was getting shot at repeatedly from the base defenses.

August 31st, 2004, 08:45 AM
but,Like Duo,energy scythe,natakus beam thingy would run out of energy too. And when nataku shot out his dragon fang,Heero shoulda cut it off! X'D

September 1st, 2004, 09:54 PM
Epyon would totaly beat down all the other gundams, the heat whip is soooooooooooooo cool. Then agian the Tallgeese kicks ass too

September 2nd, 2004, 03:25 PM
actually, Tallgeese III has a heat whip and a beam cannon. Between Tallgeese III and Epyon it would be close.

September 17th, 2004, 11:28 PM
Altron Custom by far, the Wing Zero Custom couldnt even stand up to it. actually as far as melee goes Altron has it down, as far as Power, Tallgeese III with that insane beam cannon.

September 20th, 2004, 10:39 AM
all the 'customs' broke because they never got serviced after the final battle in GW....they just got packaged up and sent to the sun....except for Altron.....the customs weren't new Gundams, they just made them look different for the movie....they look that way at the little clip at the first of the movie when they redid the end of the series.....

October 12th, 2004, 01:07 AM
my claim stands, Altron is still the strongest as far as melee goes.

Mike 1508
October 12th, 2004, 09:59 AM
Wing Zero hands down, but it dose depend on the pilot as well

October 14th, 2004, 11:13 PM
The Gundams looked so good in EW. Wing Zero Custom took the worst beating

October 15th, 2004, 01:12 AM
hmmm... difficult question really... I only wish I had seen the series more recently to answer it quite properly... so, I say Sandrock. Just because Quatre pilots it and he's so freaking beautiful, it has to be the best. Quatre fights with his heart and his emotions; his empathy empowers him to fight in order to defend. Wufei fights for his sense of justice and not weakness? Not very noble. Trowa fights because he's crazy, don't deny it, he is. Duo, now there's a tricky one... if we go by ep. 0 he's fighting for everyone he's lost to war which makes sense, but the support of dead people only go so far, but it also seems like he's fighting for something more. Almost as if he's fighting for all the punks out there like him, whom the world should have given up on but who somehow turned out all right. Heero, he's also straight crazy and we don't need to talk about him. :p No no no. He fights partially because that is what he has been trained to do, and partially because.. of Relena? ya know, I'm really not sure. Again, I wish I had watched the series more recently. ummm... so yah. Quatre's the best, because he is, and he fights for everyone. The other boys seem to have a single focus which limits their ability to fight, which in turn limits the abilities of their weapons (the weapon cannot exceed the fighter. I mean, sure a kid could jump into a gundam, but it won't be able to perform as well as a trained fighter. ya can't get more out of something than what you put in) which would make the Sandrock the greatest gundam because of its nearly limitless amount of power due to the limitless pilot Quatre. :D And you may ask, well, what about the Wing Zero? Quatre pilotted that. BUT, when he fought with the Wing Zero he was fighting for his father and his personal loss, limited goal, limited fighting ability. ;)

October 21st, 2004, 10:20 AM
here's the true order Wing Zero Epiyon and Tallgeese 3 are in their own Class

then comes Heavy arms, Death Sythe, Nataku and sandrock

Mike 1508
October 21st, 2004, 05:50 PM
The Gundams looked so good in EW. Wing Zero Custom took the worst beating
yea, it took a roual beating

October 26th, 2004, 10:14 AM
even aftet the beatin it still loked good

December 15th, 2004, 10:06 PM
all the gundam sdudes had a tragedy and in pilots trowas awesome hand2hand and duo s good street fighting and wufei ais good at a noble clean fight with his katana and then heero is like pretty much covered and then quatre he fights when he needs to but canhe realluy fight hand 2hand?? wing zero roxs!!!

December 16th, 2004, 10:09 AM
Heero rules and Zechs long live their rivalry