Which is better? FFXI or FFVIII
Written by EVA-01   

February 15th, 2005, 04:11 PM
My friend and I were talking about witch Final Fantasy game was better. I thought FFIX because I thought it had a better story. But, he thought FFVIII was better. Which do you guys think is better and why?

Yeah, I meant XI, 9. I accidentally wrote it wrong. My mistake.

February 15th, 2005, 05:22 PM
... you confuse me, are you compairing VIII (8) to IX (9) or XI(11)?

.. I'll assume you mean VIII to IX, simply because they are in the same genre, while as XI is a MMORPG.

Well, the bottom line is that there is no such thing as 'better' because of personal opinion. The way a person comes to a decision on how they rank a game compaired to another is what matters I suppose.

Character wise, I'd say I liked IX better, simply due to the fact that the characters were more diverse. .. species wise. In IX, there were only a few humans, where as in VIII, every main character was human.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the characters from both, Selphie is a serious hotty, but overall I liked the character designs for IX better. (They may have been more cartoony but I think it did a good job reminding the player of the old sprite based FF games.. just like it was trying to do.)

Battle and skill system wise; I'd say VIII. The junctioning system was hardcore.. no doubt you could spend hours upon hours just trying to set up the perfect godly setup. (100 drains on ST-ATK was super cool-- unless you're fighting undead.. lol. In which case you just want to use refresh on them or revive) 100 ultimas on elemental defence = no elemental magic damage -- anyways.. I'll stop that before I start rambling

The equipping an item to learn the skill in FFIX is very much like the magicite in FFVI, my only beef with the idea is that they always put the best skills on the crappiest items.. so you're practically losing each battle indefinately until you gather however many ungodly ammount of AP.. like 999. But at the same time-- I understand why they do that. ;) (eventually when FFT:A was made, it has the same skill system as IX, where you learn your skills from equipment)

Story wise: this is where it gets really difficult, Both of the games had good enough storys to keep me entertained. and personally that's good enough for me. It doesn't -need- to be dark and deep, it doesn't -need- to be happy and cheerful, it doesn't need to throw in EVERY emotion. as long as I can stick with it and i feel compelled to continue playing. -- and seeing as how I've beaten both games, I see them as both good. I'm not going to pick a favorite between them, theres really no point in saying one is better than the other when I enjoyed playing both of them.

always a personal opinion. I hate these types of topics.. lol :) ..

February 15th, 2005, 05:30 PM
i think he means 8 and 9

8 was cooler cos the chars
9 had more deapth

February 15th, 2005, 05:52 PM
Yeah, I meant XI, 9. I accidentally wrote it wrong. My mistake.

you wrote it wrong -again-

listen to me carefully.

X= 10,
if you add a I after the X, it becomes an 11. think of it in order, 11 comes after ten, so you'd want the I, after teh X, making it XI

if you want the number before 10 (the number before being 9), then add the I, before X.. so IX= 9.

February 15th, 2005, 05:54 PM
not al of us know roman numbers :P

February 15th, 2005, 06:03 PM
Damn It!!! I hate Roman Numerals!!! :rabil: :banghead:

February 15th, 2005, 06:16 PM
lol, dont worry about it. It's really simple once you notice the pattern.

I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII.. seeing it yet?

just think about it in logical numerical order.

February 15th, 2005, 06:19 PM
I'm sort of seeing how to do it. Never could understand that type stuff like, since 6th grade. ^_^:

February 16th, 2005, 08:45 PM
well anyway, now that out roman numeral lesson is over...

i think 9's story was so unpredictable which was nice, where as 8, you pretty much saw where everything was going, the only time i didnt know sommit was going to happen, was when i hadnt already been introduced to whatever good or bad charactor held the prime role in the sequence

though personaly, i really liked the tons of differint transportation methods throughout FF8, it made it seem more realistic, and realise your not the only people in the game...

also FF9 had tons of mini games...no matter how big or small, they were all over the place...

February 25th, 2005, 02:11 PM
I would actually vote for 8. Now don't get me wrong, 9 was one of the best games I had ever payed, but 8 was just more to my liking. The graphics (normal) were incredible, much better than the blocky figures of 7, and even though the characters were more diverse in 9, I think 8 had better personalities. One of my all time favorite things about 8 were the movies. They had tried to insert good cg film clips in 7 but they really mastered it in 8. So you see, 8 had more technological surprises in it than 9 did. The only thing about 9 that was better than 8 was the length of the game. * was a fairly short game and 9 was a bit longer which made for some more interesting stuff to happen. Now onto the romance. It was more the way Squall acted toward romance that made me want him to hook up with Rinoa than it was that Zidane was apig and expected to get hooked up with Princess Garnet. Rinoa was just an average woman while Garnet was the "most beautiful girl in the land" so of course Zidane would go for her. Now the plot in 8 was better simply because there weren't any major twists in it. There were so many twists in 9 that my head was just spinning! 8 was straight-forward and to the point.

April 9th, 2005, 03:10 AM
I to perferd 8 over 9, as most of the people have already said. I liked the character design and being the first final fantasy I played.

May 18th, 2005, 06:43 PM
IX had more of a fantasy feel to it, while 8's was more realistic. I have to say that my favorite FF games are
Tactics,VI(from what I have played),VII,VIII, and IX
(In no particluar order)
None are better, it just is what kind of game you want to play.

October 31st, 2005, 03:03 PM
9 was way better than 8

Dark's Angel
October 31st, 2005, 08:47 PM
I prefered 8 over 9. 8 was more to my liking. 9 had so many twists in it that my head was spinning and it gave me a headache.