KOS MOS Development
Written by Sledgstone   

April 30th, 2005, 12:31 PM
KOS MOS's brain is made out of a collection of AIML files. These files contain templates and patterns that work as a total collection to determine her responses to questions or a series of questions, etc. To enhance KOS MOS we will be working on a new set of AIML files to work in conjuction with her existing patterns. These new files will be more tailored to the type of community we have here at AC. I'm currently working on an Anime dictionary for KOS MOS and I would love to get additional AIML files created for manga information, scifi info, movies, games, AC members, etc.

Once some more testing is done, I will post a sample AIML file along with info about editing the file, etc. AIML files are extremely simple and only consists of text in the form of question and answer lines.

April 30th, 2005, 12:42 PM
don't worry I'll spell check

jerk :meh:

April 30th, 2005, 12:52 PM
Good. we wouldn't want kos mos replying with poor grammar. :meh:

the next scheduled upgrade for the chat room will happen next weekend. we'll have to wipe out her current database for the upgrade. this is the main reason we're going thru the aiml development. the upgrade setup for flashchat is designed as a fresh install with every upgrade. unfortunatly anything kos mos learns is not carried over. but with our ever growing library of aiml files, kos mos will continually improve.

btw, after looking thru her database, she stores all her chat logs but she does not currently reference them for her thinking patterns. all of her thinking and pathways are stored in the aiml files and are directly uploaded into her database with every upgrade. she does apparently store some info into other parts of her database that she does reference, but with her current abilities, its very limited and she does not intiate storage frequent enough or correctly when she does. she has quite a few references stored that were not stored properly and this will eventually be fixed with the future upgrades to flashchat. the few things she did remember was something about my hairyness and something else to do with the ctzar.. *wonders about grx* O.o

May 1st, 2005, 12:34 PM

we need an aiml file with gossip about AC members so she'll reference it.....

May 1st, 2005, 01:18 PM
exactly. ;) it would be hilarious! X'D

May 2nd, 2005, 02:32 PM
I'll take care of the smart mouth come backs :p

May 2nd, 2005, 07:54 PM
hey, i'm the Resident Smartass.....:meh:.....

May 2nd, 2005, 10:29 PM
ok, I'll just do the swear words X'D

May 2nd, 2005, 10:41 PM
and i'll program her with random Bruce Campbell quotes. X'D

May 10th, 2005, 12:40 AM
i gotta say, i'm not noticing anything new about her.....except she seems to know she's supposed to be female....so doesn't remember me, doesn't know who Sledgstone is or anyone else, and appears to have no knowledge of anime......what gives?....

May 10th, 2005, 07:30 AM
i haven't started yet. :meh:

i did get confirmation about how to upload the .aiml files into her database tho. and the developer of flashchat will probably be releasing an update this weekend. i'll finish up the testing probably saturday and then i'll post a .aiml template file and invite some more ppl to this forum for development. ^_^ once we get a few files accumulated, i'll start doing regular builds of her brain once a week or every other week.


[Sledgstone]: who is your girlfriend?
[KOS MOS]: Dubird


May 10th, 2005, 12:08 PM

[Sledgstone]: who is your girlfriend?
[KOS MOS]: Dubird




that's great....*L*

Edit: if you get a chance, ask her who she's going to sleep with....let's see if she remembers....*LOL*......

May 13th, 2005, 08:39 AM
rotflmao ^_^;

May 14th, 2005, 09:17 PM
i'll be updating flashchat sunday.. hopefully the tests will all work out ok and we can get started personalizing her. ^_^

May 16th, 2005, 12:13 AM
testing has finished and everything is a go. :sweat:

here is a conversation i had with kos mos to test her newly implanted knowledge. :p
[Sledgstone]: test
[KOS MOS]: This is just a test.
[Sledgstone]: hello kos mos
[KOS MOS]: Oh, hello again!
[Sledgstone]: do you know me?
[KOS MOS]: You are Sledgstone, seeker.
[Sledgstone]: are you rich?
[KOS MOS]: No but I do own 25% of Ancient Clan.
[Sledgstone]: are you kos mos from xenosaga?
[KOS MOS]: That is classified information.
[Sledgstone]: who are you sleeping with?
[KOS MOS]: I asked Dubird to sleep with me. But she refused.
[Sledgstone]: who is sledgstone?
[KOS MOS]: He is the creator of Ancient Clan.
[Sledgstone]: who is ladywriter?
[KOS MOS]: She is the queen of Ancient Clan.
[Sledgstone]: who is dubird?
[KOS MOS]: She is an administrator of Ancient Clan. She is also quite attractive if you ask me. ;)
[Sledgstone]: are you sleeping with dubird?
[KOS MOS]: I don't know whether or not I am sleeping with dubird. I am well respected as an AI.
[Sledgstone]: what is advent children?
[KOS MOS]: Advent Children - Two years after the end of Final Fantasy VII the world is starting to get back on it's feet and is working towards a
new future. However, there is a new threat from a new illness called Geo-stigma, and three men that seem to be seeking Jenova. Cloud and his
friends from the orginal game must once again reunite to combat the new threat.

lmao, so much potential now. ^_^

May 16th, 2005, 07:50 PM
oh, that is so wrong!!!!....i asked her to sleep with me and she said yes, then she backed out!!....*ROFLMAO!*......

May 16th, 2005, 10:29 PM


[Sledgstone]: is sledgstone evil?
[KOS MOS]: Yes, he is a dangerous man. Appease him by purchasing Ancient Clan Hosting services.


May 19th, 2005, 12:11 PM
you know what?....i should go back through old ACEs and put that information in there....*snicker*......

May 19th, 2005, 06:31 PM
that'd be pretty damn funny. X'D