Anti-Virus Programs
Written by Samuri Scearious   

Samuri Scearious
June 19th, 2005, 11:41 AM
Does anyone know where I can get permanant an anti-virus program to download for free?

June 19th, 2005, 03:17 PM its free...updates are free..and it is the best Antivirus program i have ever used

June 19th, 2005, 05:07 PM
i second avast. i've never had problems with it and its even found viruses that norton or mcaffree missed.

June 20th, 2005, 03:38 AM

June 20th, 2005, 04:42 AM
Defenatly Avast. That reminds me, I no longer have an anti-virus...

Strider Hiryu
June 20th, 2005, 07:30 AM
Hmmm well seeing as how my subscription to Norton is running out in 13 days I'll have to dl avast since everyone here says nothing but good things about it.

I'll say this though don't get Norton, not worth what you have to pay to use it. Hell had it on the desktop and we had to have our HD whiped twice due to the viruses that damn program let thru.

Samuri Scearious
June 20th, 2005, 09:06 PM

June 20th, 2005, 11:49 PM
just no, that no amount of protection can make up for ignorance, every software company out there says their programs are only second to human intelligence, and that thats the ebst way to prevent viruses

June 25th, 2005, 01:01 AM
Yea, definitly avast. My computer was most screwed up today (Akira13 helped me fix it), and now I have 4 or 5 anti-virus programs, and they're working for me.

June 25th, 2005, 06:13 PM
... Mmm, I bet your resources like that!

Zone alarm can be a useful little tool aswell, not an antivirus, a firewall that allows you to monitor all of your inward and outward internet trafic.

June 25th, 2005, 11:05 PM
Now days it’s more Spam/Ad and trojan/Keyloggers then anything else. The viruses you get are mostly from just downloading files off p2p networks or e-mail you think are from friends. If you want a good start at protection get spybot search and destroy, Zone alarm or Smoothwall, Avast/Norton/Macafee (choose one) and last but not least hijackhis. If you have all of the above then keep it up to date as often as you can or it’s basically useless.

June 26th, 2005, 12:11 PM
AVG Antivirus. (