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Tinsel Town -
Dark Tower theories (ok Sledge, let's fight) Ladywriter - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 4:25 pm Post subject: Dark Tower theories (ok Sledge, let's fight) we'll start with Derry. I just cant shake the idea that some shit is gonna go down in Derry even if the 'our world' shit is s'posed to happen in NY. why.... 1. Blaine says all doors to that when are closed.... but they cant be (let us not forget Blaine is not our friend. He would lie, kill, whatever to keep the ka-tet away from the Tower. He wanted them to give up) . If the doors are all closed then the ka-tet can't go back to the lot in NY and save the rose (Tower) of that when (and we know they gotta, right? Song is s'posed to be set, at least in part, in Eddie/Jake's when). 2. Ralph and Louis were in Derry. They went from standing on the roof of the hospital to rising up the levels of The Dark Tower itself. 3. Pennywise lives graphitti after the Losers fought It the 2nd time around. Who you think spray-painted that? Mike Hanlon? B ferreal ![]() 4. The deadlights are talked about in books that take place in Derry so... maybe the ka-tet can get thru to the NY of Eddie/Jake's when, but cant get back thru to Roland's world from Eddie/Jake's NY ? What if they have to find an open door? Their has to be a door directly to Roland's world and possably The Dark Tower in Derry . It's true form is in the Deadlights and The Deadlights are connected with the Tower and The Crimson King. Theoretically It and The Crimson King are both in the Deadlights. Remember in It when It suddenly became aware of the other? It was intimidated by the other. Couldn't the other be The Crimson King? The other has to be some mad powerful being to scare It. The other didn't necessairaly have to be good to scare It, just more powerfull..... Sledgstone - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 6:00 pm Post subject: yes, Derry will be the pivital point of Roland & the gangs adventure. those that will go and those that will stay behind will be decided in Derry i believe. 1. i don't think they are going to have to save that rose.. yes, its in essense the tower itself.. but i think its like a representation of the danger the tower is in. if you remember, the rose only looked special after it decided to be seen as special to jake.. once jake saw what he needed, the rose just became anoher rose. what good could they do for the rose in that when except for to leave someone behind to guard it? i think once the tower is either saved or destroyed will anything really progress with the rose. i like to consider the rose as something nobody really sees unless they know what they are looking for. (Black House was like that for example, it was always there, but would not let you near it unless you had that purpose). 2. yes, i think Derry itself is like a door to the Tower.. with IT dwelling in its depths. 3. Pennywise has a tendancy of leaving its mark for those It wants to see It's mark. i don't think pennywise would have cared if jonesy himself saw that mark because it would not affect him, thats why i think it must have been spraypainted by someone or something other than It.. as a warning to someone else to read? most likely. either that, or It itself wanted to make sure the reader saw it. ![]() 4. The deadlights are vital for the dark tower series.. and i'll explain my theory as follows: i think It is an incarnation of the Crimson King.. if you think back to Insomnia.. when Ralph saw the Crimson King, what did he see? he saw what he feared.. It/Pennywise works the same way. just as Mr. Munshun (sp?) was a lesser power of the Crimson King, It also serves Its purpose in a similar fashion.. Mr. Munshun collected breakers to power the Crimson King's machine.. It is preparing Derry for what is coming.. what does It do? It feeds off the fear & the flesh of Its victims.. i think It has been feeding off the auras of Derry and storing that energy in eggs for a later use. the turtle is dead, and the turtle was the only other It was aware of until the end when it sensed an other. Clotho & Lachesis did not know of the existance of the Crimson King until its influence took Ed Depenau. and seeing as how Clotho & Lachesis are pretty high up there in the tower and the fact that they have never seen any higher purpose or higher random than what was on their level, it would make sense that It could only sense what was on It's level. The higher purpose and the the higher random are out there watching and observing, but not necessarily able to make any effects on the lower parts of the tower directly. but It can, which means It mustn't be much higher than or at all higher than Clotho & Lachesis in the Tower. Perhaps It is just an agent of Random? maybe more.. but think back to the deadlights and how Bill flew past the turtle and came upon that wall in space.. what ever was behind it was sealed in, in the deadlights.. perhaps so high in the tower its only way of interacting was thru It. Ladywriter - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 6:26 pm Post subject: It was afraid of the other, and It thought It was alone. It wasnt till the Losers (servants of the white? or perpose perhaps?) fucked with It that It even became aware of the other. and I dont think the other being refered to is the Turtle I think its the Crimson King. I dont think that It is necessairaly part of CK like Munshin was. It is more of a part of Leigon, or its own 'versoin' of Leigion (as in 1 egg survives It can be reborn). I think both the CK and It are in the Deadlights. (Remember what happened with Ralph at the end of Insomnia what(or shall I say who) he saw!!! Ralph also saw It's aura crusin around Derry. It possess intellegence, but in essence its just a beast. All it does is feed and sleep... but now.. espically with Pennywise Lives there, I dont think It's sleeping so soundly. The story is also "timed" (tho we know time means jack shitola) so that It's next feeding frenzy coincides with Patrick saving the lives of 2 men (Gunslingers). If Patrick has to save a gunslinger or two, then I would venture to guess that he must see them. Either the ka-tet will have to go thru Derry or Patrick will have to find a door in Derry to get to the Ka-tet (Which means Blaine lied and not all doors are closed). And if you think It would just let some tasty power like our ka-tet slip by her.... hmmm.. I dun think so. They gotta face the Beast, I'm guessing that beast is It. Hell, maybe Patrick saves them from It Sledgstone - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 6:44 pm Post subject: i don't think patrick will travel thru any door.. if anything, i think the path of the beam the ka-tet is currently traveling will take them thru to the land of Derry.. and just because the doors to jake & eddies & susannah's where/when have been closed, it does not mean that Derry is in their where. just like tak existed in two different wheres (Desperation & Regulators), i think Derry exists in another where. but aside from all that and assuming that the doors are closed and there is no way for Roland and them to make it to Derry or for Patrick to make it to them.. there are two other men that Clotho & Lachesis could be referring to, gunslingers they are in a sense as well.. Jack & Speedy. what if their path involves Derry? and seeing as how Jack & Speedy are not restricted by doors, what if they are the go-between? Ladywriter - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 7:00 pm Post subject: just remember that Jack can't stay in his world again, ever. He'd die. Yes Jack and Speedy could be Gunslingers (but Jack has been reffered to as a CoppiceMan). Do I think they are the dudes Patrick has to save? No. The kid drew Roland, ancestor of the great king (hims's a king too) at the Tower with the Crimson King. If there are other worlds then these and so many of them are right next door to each other, sure there could be multiple Derrys. but theres only one Derry with It living in its bowles. The same Derry where an old fart named Ralph saved lil Patrick from death. The Derry that has a door to the Dark Tower. now s'pose our ka-tet actually has to physically meet up with Partick in order for what Clotho & Lachesis said to happen. It's gotta happen either in The Derry or at the Tower, where the door in Derry leads.... Im thinkin its more like go thru one door, have to come back thru another. Speedy and Jack were in Mid-World, Roland's Mid World. Speedy knew all about Roland. Travelin Jack might not be able to go back to his own when, but that doesnt mean he can't go to Eddie's. Sledgstone - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 7:14 pm Post subject: yes, travelin' jack may not be able to go back to his world for long.. and he might be able to go to eddies.. but that also means that Derry may not be in Jack's when/where also. i think the Losers club's main purpose was to deplete It's storage of power (It's eggs).. i don't think they were ever ment to destroy It themselves, but to weaken Its overall efforts. I think the destruction that resulted from the battle with It at the end was a result of the eggs being destroyed and the power of that many auras being released. now imagine if the Crimson King was able to harness all that power in one shot as opposed to just ben releasing the energy with the stomp of a foot.. with that much destructive force, i wonder if many of the beams, if not the tower itself could stand against it.
little patrick said, 'hims a king too' and pointed to one of the man standing at the base of the tower. Jack is a king. now that he is restricted to the Territories, he is a king. not only was Jack's twinner the prince, but the queen & Jack are all but guaranteed to be married, thus either way, Jack is a king. ^_~ Ladywriter - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 7:21 pm Post subject: yes, Jack is a king but patrick drew roland *somebody wants Jack Sawyer at the Tower so bad he's twitchin!!! ![]() so are you thinking It's eggs were more like deathbags full of energy? Sledgstone - Sunday Nov 2, 2003 7:38 pm Post subject:
not necessarily deathbags. but manifested eggs full of the life force of It empowered with the auras It fed upon. in Insomnia, Ralph oversaw two children fighting outside of a gas station.. the amount of Aura energy that was produced from that one simple fight was more than the power of an atomic bomb.. now imagine a victim of It... the power of the aura that person must have produced in that moment of pure terror and wanting to survive for their life must have been gigantic.. and that is was It feeds off of. just as Ralph & Lois would feed from the auras of those around them, It must feed as well. It is a beast, and will never die of old age and never will due to his feeding habits. as for my conclusion of It.. this is her lifestyle: 1. It kills ppl in a fashion that will truely terrorize It's victims, thus producing large quantities of Aura for It to feed upon. 2. It continues doing step 1 until It is completely engorged. 3. It lays eggs, and stores the aura energy into the eggs It produces. 4. Lying the eggs and resting roughly takes 30 years.. 5. Repeat from beginning. It survives by consuming Auras as well as flesh. as long as It is on some level to interact with humanity it must feed itself. that is why It will also store bodys in It's nest to feed upon during the time of laying eggs and resting. Ladywriter - Monday Nov 3, 2003 11:07 am Post subject: yeah, I think It fed off of the auras just as much (or maybe more) as she chomped ppl down. It didn't always eat the victems whole, sometimes not at all. It just killed them. The aura of someone who knows they're about to die must be huge, espically if its a little kid.(you taste so much better when yer afraid) Ralph and Louis only stold lil bits of ppls energy (remember the bucket/ocean analogy) but It actually ate the aura/energy. The problem with the eggs bein just energy stores has one flaw though. I think it was Stan that knew after the 1st time they fought It that It was a "Queenfish" and It was prego. Perhaps not prego in our sense of the word, I cant imagine dozens of lil It's running around. Maybe something more like in the thousands upon thousands of years It has been in Derry (((man, I really wish they had done the smoke hole scene in the damn movie.))) sucking up auras it learned to be like Leigon. One of many. Thats why even tho the Losers killed It, It came back. Ben had to have missed some part if It in order for It to survive. The sewer was dark as hell and there was just a tad bit of important plot going on... Ben had to have missed something. I also thought the storm had something to do with the clash of energys between the Losers and It. Big Bill might not have been a breaker, but the kid had some kinda power. I think he could draw off of the other Losers too, even tho he didnt know it (((and it wasnt explained fully until Insomnia))) Bill said "help me" and they all went to him. a green light to use their power? Bill was the one that did the ritual with It. Bill escaped being flung into the Deadlights!! That had to have created some kind reaction, in Derry and maybe in Roland's world. Derry got the storm when they went back and 'killed' It. The Losers were screwed. Stan was dead and Mike got fucked up and couldn't go down in the sewers with them. So much for Lucky Seven. Really, there's no way they could have won the second fight. Even the Turtle was dead. That means a power higher then the Turtle had to interceed or It woulda killed all of the Losers. It had to have been Perpose or The White that gave the Losers the power to 'kill' It (slow It down? Fuck It up? Like it really matters the fuckers alive and THAT is what matters) ok, imagine Ralph's lil karate chop thing. thats just him, one old farts energy. think of the karate chop It could do with all those stored up auras, big strong auras. There's no way the Losers could have won against that. Something else had to do its own lil karate chop against It, or more likely, against the Deadlights. The Losers and the force helping them wasnt just fighting It's physical manifestation, but a higher power was fighting the Deadlights. The auras around the 2 boys fighting... now imagine the auras when the Losers and the other fought It. Hella Power ![]() Poor Stan. Looked into It's Deadlights... and wanted to be there. I wonder if he saw the Crimson King? Henry... well, he was already nutz to begin with. I think It is one of King's best loved books. Not just by the fans either, by King too. He could have set Insomnia anywhere, but he set it in Derry. It's Derry. So much was explained in Insomnia! I think maybe King had some of those ideas in his head when he wrote It, but they werent ready yet. A really good story takes time. Writing matures the more we wright. Its all still King but you can see the difference from something like Cujo to Wizard and Glass. He's able now to convey what is going on better than he did when he wrote It. Hes finally figured out the 'mechanics' of it all ![]() The Tailsman. the actual object itself and what Jack did to get it. He went into the Black Hotel and yoinked it. Now, if the world that Jack flipped to wasnt just the Terretories but Rolands world too, would him haveing taken the Tailsman had a negative effect on that world, or the Tower. Dark Tower/Black Hotel was no coincedence, not even wayyy back then. We also know that time doesnt mean shit in any of the stories anymore. So when in Roland's when did young Jack take the Tailsman? After Jack used it it disappeared. Did it go back to where it had come from, back to the Terratories? Or was time already fucked up cuz Jack took it and the Terretories started moving on at an alarming rate and became Mid World? If Jack took the Tailsman from Roland's world it would have been sometime in Gilead's past. The world had moved on even when Roland was a kid, but it got progressively faster thru the books. If the Tailsman returned to Roland's world after Jack used it, perhaps it came back as Merlyns Rainbow.... Ladywriter - Monday Nov 3, 2003 12:31 pm Post subject: on a side note ... In his interviews lately Steve has been talkin about how after the accident he felt he had to finish DT... It sounds as though he was worried that he would die before the series got finished. Like he just couldn't be having the DT undone and all of us hangin. He was a hurtin unit there for a while too, but he kept on going. He had more to heal then just his body after an experience like that. Sure, he's been thru some shitz (haven't we all) but I think for him this was profound. A few steps up the ladder from just a wake-up call. I think I can see it in his writing. It feels like hes writing more deeply if that makes any sense. I can really see and feel everything hes conveying in his stories. Things from other books make hella more sense now that hes explaining the sorces of all these powers (auras and grapefruits and towers oh my!) A really good/big story takes time. Writing matures the more we mature. Dr Satan - Tuesday Nov 4, 2003 2:39 pm Post subject: I really need to start reading these books. I've only read one but it was really good. ![]() Ladywriter - Thursday Nov 6, 2003 8:42 am Post subject: theres no big rush. the last 2 books in the Dark Tower series wont be out untill next year. I'll post the connected books for ya in a bit... Ladywriter - Friday Nov 7, 2003 10:51 am Post subject: somethin hit me last night as I drifted off to sleep.... ka is Perpose ![]() Sledgstone - Friday Nov 7, 2003 7:29 pm Post subject: i'm working on a reply to these posts.. but it may take me a while.. *stomach grumbles* i need food. ;_; Ladywriter - Wednesday Nov 12, 2003 4:50 pm Post subject: goddddddddddddd sledgeeeeeeeee you read so slow! i gotta shit load a stuff we gotta talk about! Sledgstone - Wednesday Nov 12, 2003 7:20 pm Post subject: its taking me forever to read. ![]() Ladywriter - Thursday Nov 13, 2003 9:29 am Post subject: well, at least you've been to the calla.... keeepppp gooooinng! I'm dieing to post spoilers >.< Ladywriter - Monday Nov 17, 2003 12:22 pm Post subject: ok... you've come this far at least. Mia's chap reminds me a hell of a lot of Flagg. I think the demon baby is another part of Leigon Sledgstone - Monday Nov 17, 2003 6:35 pm Post subject: ahhh!!! @_@ Ladywriter - Tuesday Nov 18, 2003 9:47 am Post subject: calm yerself sledgipoo ![]() think of the t-shirt Mia is wearing in one of her nocturnal visits to the castle dining hall. It has a piggy on it. Who was wearing a piggy button at the end of Wizard and Glass ![]() Flagg packed up cookies and soda for them. Now, why would he do something like that? Hmmm.. maybe because Flagg himself craves sugar? Perhaps the sugary stuff was essential for the development of Mia's chap. Sledgstone - Tuesday Nov 18, 2003 11:49 pm Post subject: or maybe flagg just wanted to be friendly. keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.. hes twisted like that. ![]() Ladywriter - Wednesday Nov 19, 2003 11:05 am Post subject: wether he has his own agenda or not (and I for one belive he does) Flagg is still in the service of the Crimson King. The CK doesnt want the ka-tet to reach the Tower. He would rather see them dead as dog shit. In Black House Parkus tells Jack that the "job of protecting the Tower and the Beams has always belonged to the ancient war guild of Gilead, called gunslingers in this world and many others. They also generate a powerful psychic force, Jack, one capeable of countering the Crimson King's Breakers, but-" and "The Crimson King hopes to hold Roland back, and to finish the job of destroying the Tower while he and his band are still at a distance." Thats Flagg's job. To distract the ka-tet long enough for the Breakers to snuff out the remaining Beams, I belive there are only 2 left. The demon Mia is carrying could very well be Flagg, or one of his minions. Either way it is most likely part of Leigon. The only one Flagg wants to be "friendly" to is the thing growing inside of Suz. Sledgstone - Wednesday Nov 19, 2003 7:23 pm Post subject: yes.. flagg being generous to the chap but not showing it entirely by giving everyone else some goods as well.. as for the identitiy of the chap.. i'll make a decision after i finish reading. ![]() Ladywriter - Friday Nov 21, 2003 10:33 am Post subject: just to add to my It being the Beast guarding the Tower theory... a few It things from Wastelands... Henry tells Eddie about the bodies found in the mansion "Their hair was dead white, " Henry said. .... "And their eyes were wide open and staring, like they saw the most gross-awful thing in the world." and "A hollow sound came through the door; the sound of some animal slobbering hungrily from deep inside a concrete pipe" and once he goes in theres the wallpaperfrom the house on Neibolt street and "Below these smells was another- the smell of some beast's lair." Jake akins the mansion to the hell between worlds.... Sledgstone - Saturday Nov 22, 2003 11:33 am Post subject: so maybe the house on neibolt street and the dutch hill mansion and that speaking circle all exist in that same location on all the worlds and acts like a doorway between them all? assuming you have a key and you survive the guardian of each? ![]() Ladywriter - Saturday Nov 22, 2003 12:35 pm Post subject: In Jake's dream in WL where he sees Eddie, Eddie tells him they're at the portal of the Bear, but that it's also Brooklyn. The houses are like portals to 'the hell' between doors. Eddie had to make a door in the speaking circle to get to Jake. Without the keys to unlock the doors, wether they actually exisit or have to be created, you get chowed down by the beast that lives in that hellish blackness. It. The houses and speaking circles have enuff power to create doors to other wheres and whens, but arent necessaraly portals/doors themselves. If they were It would have just dumped the Losers into the black and be done with em. Sledgstone - Saturday Nov 22, 2003 12:44 pm Post subject: i see.. so they aren't necessarily doors themselves, but conduits of enormous energy capable of such a task? so would the demons that reside in such places have been drawn to that power? or put there to defend it? Ladywriter - Saturday Nov 22, 2003 1:01 pm Post subject: there is a beast guarding the Tower. it would be reasonable to guess that the same beast guards the way between worlds Sledgstone - Saturday Nov 22, 2003 1:04 pm Post subject:
so are you saying that all those beasts are one in the same? or all just off-shoots of a higher power? i think they are all different entities varieying in abilities. where do you think Tak will come into play? Tak itself is on a whole other level like that of It. if It is the beast guardian, then what role will Tak play? Ladywriter - Sunday Nov 23, 2003 12:48 pm Post subject: the mansion is a guardian itself (not one of the 12).BH talks about houses holding back slippage. its not actually a house persay, but we know how Steve-a-reno loves his haunted houses ![]() Tak is a whole entirely different thing all together. Rather then It being like the CK, Tak is more like the CK then It. Tak body jumps as does the CK. Tak also speaks in the language of the dead. Rember back to when Roland spent the night with Brown in The Gunslinger. more clearly, from Black House: Parkus and Jack talking. Parkus says... "There is a Tower that binds them in place [hes talking about da fan, "worlds beyond telling"] Think of it as an axle upon which many wheels spin, if you like. And there is an entity that would bring this Tower down. Ram Abbalah." At these words, the flames of the fire seem to momentarily darken and turn red. Jack wishes he he could belive that this is only a trick of his overstrained mind, but cannot. "The Crimson King," he says. "Yes. His physical being is pent in a cell at the top of the Tower, but he has another manifestation, every bit as real, and lives in Can-tah-Abbalah-the Court of the Crimson King." It is in the Deadlights, Tak could be in the Can-tah Abbalah. Then there is the whole Legion thing to consider. We know Flagg is Leigon, and hes been to Can-tah Abbalah, so has Malshun. I had always figured that Tak is some part of Leigon. Ladywriter - Saturday Dec 6, 2003 12:35 pm Post subject: Song of Suz sneek peek http://www.thedarktower.net/book-dt6.php King update http://www.bangornews.com/editorialnews/articles/412471_120103kingimprovestaken_.cfm?session=C0jpB4WWraJIZbIW479xI1oUtp Sledgstone - Sunday Dec 7, 2003 10:35 am Post subject: that book looks gooooood. ^_^ and damn. hopefully this'll be his last visit to a hospital for a while. :\ Ladywriter - Sunday Dec 7, 2003 12:23 pm Post subject: hes been thru so much ![]() retiering from writing or not, I wanna see him ok ![]() Sledgstone - Friday Dec 12, 2003 11:53 pm Post subject: i have finished Wolves of the Calla and i have a theory i would like to share. its a comparision to Nadine from The Stand and Susannah. Nadine once she got pregnant with Flagg's demon child: Nadine practically went insane. She freaked out constantly. She also wanted to die, but she could not kill herself. She also had mixed emotions about who she loved and why she let what happened happen. Susannah & the chap aka Flagg's demon child: I think Susannah's body protected her by creating another personality to deal with the chap as opposed to just going insane and suicidal like what Nadine went thru. Susannah's personality disorder could be serving Ka by walling off the chap's influence and allowing Susannah to function for the battle with the wolves (and saving Roland's life in the process of that fight, many lives for that matter). The price of this tho, was that the chap has such an influence on that other personality, it makes Mia (the other personality for all those that don't know) want to have the child and nurture it. When the Chap is born, most likely the process of its birth will drive the mother insane or cause death.. in this fact i think Mia will die. But Susannah should live, assuming her body survives the ordeal. Ladywriter - Sunday Dec 14, 2003 11:15 am Post subject: then you think the chap is Flagg? Sledgstone - Sunday Dec 14, 2003 11:39 am Post subject: maybe not necessarily Flagg, but part of Legion as a whole, then yes. the pig pin on susannah's shirt in one of her flipouts is proof in itself that flagg has a connection to the chap. the chap may not be flagg, but i think flagg is having an effect on 'Mia' just as he had an affect on Nadine. if anything, i think mia may search out flagg and will most likely lead the ka-tet straight on the path to their goal. Ladywriter - Thursday Dec 18, 2003 4:31 pm Post subject: and to think... we only have to wait till august to find out >.< I think I'll re-read The Stand Ladywriter - Sunday Dec 21, 2003 1:29 pm Post subject: based upon our knowledge thus far of book 6... Jake and Callahan travel to NY 1999 to go after Suz. I think it will be the Manni will be the ones who open the unfound door for the ka-tet to go where they must go. I think it will be Callahan that will have to deal with the chap. He is a priest after all and the catholic priests are the ones who do all that exceorsism/banishing stuff. That leaves Jake to take care of Suz or should I say Mia. I think in Roland's absence Jake will be the leader of the 1999 ka-tet. I think he will have to use his psy abilitys to help Suz overcome Mia. If Suz can't overcome Mia, then I would have to guess that Jake will have to shoot her. Meanwhile Roland and Edd's are going to "save" Calvin Tower. I'm fairly certain that they will suceed. so... which ka-tet will bump into King? what happens if when they return to the Calla to continue on to Thunderclap Jake has killed Suz? How is Edd's gonna take it? We see in Wolves the distanceing between him and Suz so... Ladywriter - Sunday Jan 18, 2004 12:31 am Post subject: ok sledge... now that you have seen Storm of the Century , we can talk a little about Legion. Linoge is definatly part of Legion. He chooses the time to "attack" Little Tall cuz he knows that their ppl that can keep a secret (ala Deloris) If this particular incarnation of Legion must "change" the islandars "gift" to pass on his knowledge.... is it safe to say that the mode/method of creating new entitys of Legion is Flaggs motive in helping Mia? hmmmm ![]() Sledgstone - Sunday Jan 18, 2004 10:53 am Post subject: ah yes.. its all about the spawning of more. ![]() Ladywriter - Tuesday Feb 3, 2004 9:35 am Post subject: we're gonna have to pick up the movie of Deloris. Cathy Bates did an excellent job. amd eek Tailsman movie news ... "I asked if the studio was wanting it to get a PG-13 rating. He said of course. I then asked how he's planning on pulling off the Sunlight Home segment (my personal favorite part of the book) and Wolf's rampage and still keep it PG-13. He responded saying that he's pretty sure that the Sunlight Home segment isn't going to be included. No Sunlight Gardner burning Jack's hands? No Wolf rampage? Whaaaaaa????? " http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=16920 Ladywriter - Saturday Feb 7, 2004 12:27 pm Post subject: SoS will be out June 8th TDT will be out Sept 21st ......... SK's birthday Sledgstone - Saturday Feb 7, 2004 12:39 pm Post subject: man oh man.. thats right around the corner. ![]() Ladywriter - Sunday Feb 8, 2004 2:32 am Post subject: just wait... the worlds are about to end *faint* ![]() You are Jake! Even in the weirdest situations you don't panic, and instead, go with the flow. Your innocent nature may be the reason for your amiable ways, or maybe it is because you really don't feel like you have a home anywhere. At heart you are like a kid, and view life as an adventure. Sometimes you can be too trusting, but you are good at making friends. http://quizilla.com/users/SaltnSnail/quizzes/The%20Dark%20Tower%20Character%20Test/ Dr Satan - Sunday Feb 29, 2004 10:39 pm Post subject: ![]() You are Oy! Loyal and a little strange, you enjoy the company of others. You may appear needy, but when real danger appears, you fight wildly to protect those you love. Even though you appear clueless on the surface, you can read others feelings instinctively. You might be oddly huggable too... I also just found out that the guy who drew DT2 and 3 is my fav artist, John Avon!! Ladywriter - Monday Mar 1, 2004 8:59 am Post subject: The Drawing of the Three was illustrated by Phil Hale The Wastelands was illustrated by Ned Dameron ![]() Sledgstone - Monday Mar 1, 2004 7:38 pm Post subject: ![]() You are Alain! Quiet and introverted, you prefer thinking to talking. Even though you aren't that social, you have a kind heart, and will help those in need. You often see things from a unique perspective, but people seem to ignore your feelings. Learn to speak up, and show that you take pride in what you do! ![]() Dr Satan - Monday Mar 1, 2004 9:15 pm Post subject: Click HERE! for image tow2o.jpg ![]() ?????? Are these the one's you talking about? Got them direct from his site. Sledgstone - Tuesday Mar 2, 2004 8:00 am Post subject: i've never seen those pics before. O_o *opens drawing of the three* nope.. O_o Ladywriter - Tuesday Mar 2, 2004 8:37 am Post subject: http://www.stephenking.com/DarkTower/flash_index.html#move here ya go ![]() Ladywriter - Friday Mar 5, 2004 1:52 pm Post subject: ok... this Kingdom Hospital shitz has got the wheels turning again. famous artist (writer) gets hit by a van (damn dog) and experiences something pretty cracked out. First off let me say I think this series goes out to all us consistent readers. He's bringing in so many elements from other DT related stories as well as his personal experience. okay, i know this is a King revision of an old story, but I think the revisions and extras he has put in it have/are connecting it to the Dark Tower. the mill accident just screams Derry. but of course we know that funky shitz can and do happen outside of Derry, but for the most part not that far from there. And Mary the ghost IS a child. And whats up with the bell she carrys? Todash chimes perhaps? The raven could be Flagg, or it could be an echo of Zoltan. In The Gunslinger, Brown asks Roland if he belives in the afterlife to which Roland responds "I think this is it". And there sits Zoltan *Tak* Different cultures associate birds with the passage of the soul. Dark Half is a perfect example, only it wasnt crows. Perhaps the crow is the icon of a pergatory state.... that ardvark thing just fuckin freeks me out. wtf is up with that. its freekin scary! it says its a guardian, but I dont think it means Gurdian of the Beam tho. as in not one of the 12... but it would be f'ed up if it was. I also feel that King got personal with this adaptation. the accident, the guy poppin pills and swiggin down booze etc. that all happened to him. it was right after Kings accident that he finished the DT. 1-2-3 bang done. He was compelled to finish it. he came to some sort of personal realization layin in the hospital. i think thats when he started the wheels of ka turning once again in his head. he finally saw how it was to come to its end. I'm not inclined to belive an ardvark gave King some guidance ![]() Sledgstone - Saturday Mar 6, 2004 12:48 am Post subject: i think the painter guy (i can't remember his name -_-) is going todash. he partially travels to the past and sees the vagrant dead. the death bell resembles the todash chimes. the aadvark is whacked out.. i think it might be a higher purpose communicating to him thru a creature of his own design.. as for the crow. i believe it is flagg, because he only appears when there is something major brewing. and who is to say that flagg himself may not be orcastrating these entire course of events.. he did and/or does have a piece of the rainbow after all. and time is but a number when worlds move on. Ladywriter - Saturday Mar 6, 2004 12:37 pm Post subject: I think its a Todash thing too.... Ladywriter - Sunday Mar 7, 2004 10:43 pm Post subject: check it out ![]() new artwork from SoS at first I didn't even see the rose, I saw a taheen. theirs birds overhead, looks like crows. the building made me think of the Tower, but it also made me think of the building that Callahan was pushed from, or maybe this is just down the road apiece from the piggly wiggly. It doesnt strike me as Thunderclap. That place... it will be bad. Not everyone's gonna make it to the Tower. but Jake Chambers will and that is the truth. BlitzZ - Monday Mar 8, 2004 8:55 pm Post subject: toaday i stArted reading the gunslinger See look at my sig. and am at p. 41. As i read more i'll post some theories Ladywriter - Monday Mar 8, 2004 9:17 pm Post subject: let us know how yer diggin it and if yer interisted in getting into the series BlitzZ - Monday Mar 8, 2004 9:41 pm Post subject: So far its really good. i am the part where he just slept with the lady with the scar on her face. And does the man in black have something too do with the dark tower. i might consid3er getting into the series. Ladywriter - Tuesday Mar 9, 2004 9:43 am Post subject:
yes he most certainly does ;)and not just in The Gunslinger. He's in a lot of King's stuff, going all the way back to Eyes of the Dragon. Have you read other King novels or short stories? theres alotta Dark Tower stuff in other books too. I could recommend one for ya. I think you'd really like Desperation. That book is scare-ree. Black House is a biggie. Its the Tailsman sequel. I loved both books. Insomnia explaines a lot of DT stuff too. if you wanna get deeper into whats going on at the Tower read It and The Stand. I can suggest some of his short stories too. you should also watch (the book was excellent but Kathy Bates was amazing in the movie) Delores Clairborne. It will familirize ya with Little Tall Island. Then watch Storm of the Century ![]() Dont forget to watch Kingdom Hospital wed nights at 9est on abc. gundam076 - Tuesday Mar 9, 2004 4:34 pm Post subject: damn u 2 write alot....... ![]() BlitzZ - Tuesday Mar 9, 2004 5:31 pm Post subject: They are the admins whaddya expect? stupid aim chat like. how are u. wats up. or the everpopular Y. ![]() Ladywriter - Tuesday Mar 9, 2004 7:39 pm Post subject: this topic is for those long winded posts sledge n I make about the Tower and all thinks that serve the Beam ![]() Ladywriter - Tuesday Mar 9, 2004 10:38 pm Post subject: suppose Jake and Callahan find Suz/Mia before she is able to "birth" the chap. do you really think Suz would just sit back and let Mia squeeze a demon outta her? espically one that threatens the ka tet? hmmm. reguardless of whatever deal she made with Mia, I dont think Suz is gonna shut up and put up. I dont think alone she could stop Mia/the chap, but she will have help. I'm guessing Jake could use his abilities to try and help keep Suz in control of herself. If a demon does come, I would assume Callahan would be able to handle it. that doesn't change the fact that the chap would like a lil chew chew on his mama. However it might happen to go down, I think that once its over Suz will be dead. Maybe she'll mortally wound herself to try and stop the birth. I'm sure if she commanded Jake to shoot her to save them all he would do it. He's no 'prentice anymore. And how old was Roland in W&G.... what if Callahan dies as well fighting the chap? what if he needs to 'sacrifice' himself to destroy the chap. a real 2 fer 1 deal. That would leave Jake and Oy alone in NYC 1999. How are they supposed to get back to Roland and Edds then? the thing in the lining of the bag maybe? and what about Eddie? how do you think he'd handle Jake coming back with no Suz? then he'd be a lot like Roland wouldn't he? neither of them being there to help their Sus... but watching it in a wizards glass..... If he's with Roland, they've got black 13. I'm sure it would love to show them Sus dieing. Ladywriter - Saturday Mar 13, 2004 11:19 am Post subject: the ka tets of 19 and 99. We know bad things happen when something gets fucked up withen a ka tet. at the beginning of WOTC there were feelings that the ka tet was drifting away from each other. Eddie and Suz both introduce themselves to the Calla folken as part of The ka-tet of 19. Jake says hes from the ka-tet of 99. Neither Roland or Oy claimed a ka tet, but all of them said they were the Line of Eld. Presumably, fighting the wolves unified all of them once again. I'm not so sure I buy that. They are so close to the Tower. The situation bein what it is, now they are splitting up. I'm sure that was part of Flagg's plan. Roland and Edds are going to go make sure ol Cal Tower stays alive. I'm fairly certain Roland will have Black 13 with them. It's not something he'd let outta his sight. this will kill them Black 13 will probably show them what is going on w/ the others. I think all the pieces of the rainbow are evil. They show you trechery, suffering, and death. It's buggin me that Eddie would go with Roland and not go to his wife. This is so much like what happened to Roland and Susan. He was off fighting bad guys and she ended up dead. Roland watched it in a Bend of the Rainbow, so too will Eddie. If/when Suz dies Eddie will be watching it happen in Black 13. <- Ka like a Wheel ->Edds is all up for killin Balazar (again). They're both doing whatever they have to do to protect the lot and the rose. And of course, they will meet the author of Salems Lot. Jake, Oy and Callahan are going after Mia. Jake and the priest have something in common, they died and ended up at the Way Station. Thats when Flagg gave Callahan Black 13. Callahan can spot vampires and Low Men. I think he's more of a slayer then a gunslinger. I think him being a priest will be significant to what will happen with the chap. Jake remembers his death whereas Callahan doesn't. Jake also has the Touch. He's the only gunslinger going after Suz/Mia. He's also 'bout the same age Roland was when he traveled to Hambry. Ladywriter - Friday Mar 19, 2004 9:35 am Post subject: http://www.liljas-library.com/images/audio_dt7.jpg hmmmm.... Sledgstone - Friday Mar 19, 2004 10:01 am Post subject: my question is how in the hell are they going to open the door without black 13? how will they get it back when they can't even open the door let alone know what when/where mia went to? maybe the book? maybe what was in the lining of the bag? the combined power of the minds of the calla? Ladywriter - Friday Mar 19, 2004 11:01 am Post subject: the Manni Elders .... Sledgstone - Saturday Mar 20, 2004 9:25 am Post subject: i can't believe i forgot about all those manni there that specialize in todash. ![]() yes, they'll be the ones who open the door. ^__^ Ladywriter - Wednesday Mar 31, 2004 9:48 am Post subject: Song of Suz chapter list.... 1st Stanza: Beamquake 2nd Stanza: The Persistence of Magic 3rd Stanza: Trudy and Mia 4th Stanza: Susannah's Dogan 5th Stanza: The Turtle 6th Stanza: Castle Allure 7th Stanza: The Ambush 8th Stanza: A Game of Toss 9th Stanza: Eddie Bites His Tongue 10th Stanza: Susannah-Mio, Divided Girl of Mine 11th Stanza: The Writer 12th Stanza: Jake and Callahan 13th Stanza: "Hile, Mia, Hile, Mother" Coda: Pages from a Writer's Journal Wordslinger's Note Ladywriter - Wednesday Mar 31, 2004 9:56 am Post subject: gotta bitch here a lil.... unless Suz does something incredably cool... die bitch die! I dig it that it was Mia that yoinked Black 13 and split... but wtf Roland?? back in the day he woulda killed her sorry ass at the first sign of Mia. He's gone soft! wtf Roland.. sendin Jake n that idiot Callahan after Mia. Callahan is a loose screw. For all I give a shit Callahan and Suz can meet their end at the recieving end of Jake's gun. Boo to Roland for not going after Black 13 himself! Must be he thinks JAKE can handle it cuz Callahan has certainly gone looney and Suz just needs to frickin die already. Honestly, how many more personalities are we gonna have to go thru with this psycho bitch? I can only hope she gets killed off so we dont have to deal w/ her shit no more. Sledgstone - Wednesday Mar 31, 2004 1:21 pm Post subject: roland probably couldn't handle black 13 because of his arthritis.. and why not send jake? to roland he is as roland is. jake will accomplish the task at hand and do what needs to be done. and besides, would he send eddie out to mia? hell no.. eddie couldn't bring himself to do it.. the most he could do is stand aside and let jake do what he has to do so eddie can get to the tower. my only concern is this writer/Wordslinger stuff.. king is writing himself into his own story. so help me it better not be crappy and any more off-the-wallish than things have already gotten concerning him in the story. callahan.. he'll serve his purpose and i think that purpose will be in the next book. you don't build up a character like that in wolves of the calla (callahans story, abilities, etc. were explained throughout the entire book) just to kill him off in the next. nah, i think he will be needed. and someone will probably be needed to fill the void when one of the original three passes. Ladywriter - Wednesday Mar 31, 2004 7:55 pm Post subject: bullshit! dun you remember Roland stickin the bullets in his ears to drownd out the sound. and if its in the box or bag.... arrrggg ![]() die suz die bitch! Ladywriter - Monday Apr 12, 2004 3:35 pm Post subject: Travelin' Jack Sawyer in The Dark Tower... not in SOS, they gotta finish up their ka-tet shit first. But in 7, in The Dark Tower, we will see Jack Sawyer. In the revised The Gunslinger , Roland sees a Taheen looking for Algul Siento (Blue Heaven/Haven) before he gets to Brown's place. A taheen brings Sophie to Jack In BH. He's back in the Terretorys, Mid-World. He could go w/ the taheen to Algul Siento. The gunslingers have to go thru Algul Siento to get to the Tower. The Black Hotel, The Dark Tower He is going to have to attone for taking the Tailsman. . . BlitzZ - Monday Apr 12, 2004 4:12 pm Post subject: If you guys are wondering why i havent made any post here yet, i've decieded im going to read them when the last two come out. ![]() ![]() Sledgstone - Monday Apr 12, 2004 6:03 pm Post subject: its all good. yeah, i don't see him taking any place in SoS, but he'll definitly be in the last book.. and i have a feeling he'll play a larger role than callahan is doing now. as opposed to callahan's story being told in wolves of the calla as a side plot to the story.. jack is so important that he has already had two books just for his own adventures already. and the amount of dark tower related information that takes place in Black House (last third of the book, gunslingers, midworld, etc.) he is guaranteed to make his appearance to the katet. in fact, i wouldn't be surprised if jack makes his debut to roland as a fullfledged gunslinger himself. jack was just a child in his first story, then at the end of the second he is obviously going to need quite some time to get back up into action.. and time is nothing but the wind in midworld. ![]() Ladywriter - Tuesday Apr 13, 2004 11:11 am Post subject: the End World Mono could take Jack n Speedy as well.... Sledgstone - Tuesday Apr 13, 2004 5:47 pm Post subject: how close were they to the mono's tracks tho? did black house open a special place in midworld to the great conglomeration? or was it a shortcut across a larger distance? i can't remember... either way, i'm sure they'll be able to take the mono to meet up with roland and others. because i'm quite sure that none of them would ever step foot on another one of those monos.. O_o Ladywriter - Tuesday Apr 27, 2004 9:17 am Post subject: consider this going up the Tower in other books, when someone goes up the levels of the tower they have had assistance. Ralph had the baldies take him up. someone is going to have to know how to raise themself up to the top of the Tower. So far as I can see, the only one who has the psi abilities to do such a thing is Jake, but will he be able to take the others with him or is this something he can only do for himself, if he can do it at all. if Jake cant take them up the Tower, then who will? the CK himself perhaps? Sledgstone - Tuesday Apr 27, 2004 7:47 pm Post subject: jake has the touch but not the drastic ability to raise thru the levels of the tower. i don't think jake could ever do something like that unless he comes into possession of an object to enhance his abilities. ![]() there are however a couple of men that have the ability to todash between two worlds as they please.. and i bet if either of them were to come near that black ball called 13, they could probably make the trip to the court in the wink of an eye. ![]() ![]() Ladywriter - Friday Apr 30, 2004 8:54 am Post subject: just a lil catch in the revised Gunslinger... the 'slingers use the same type of stones Legion used in Storm of the Century to choose who takes the condemed to the gallows remember what Legion said 'bout how old the stones are..... Sledgstone - Friday Apr 30, 2004 9:34 am Post subject: andre linoge: "these stones were old when the world was young" yep, legion had those stones. Ladywriter - Sunday May 2, 2004 10:49 am Post subject: Walter told him it was time for Roland to resume his quest for the Tower. Roland said he never stopped if there is a loop, mayhap letting Jake drop this time is what broke it ![]() Sledgstone - Sunday May 2, 2004 8:49 pm Post subject: i don't think there ever was a loop to begin with. and i think the ppl that believe king will make the dark tower series in a loop are the ppl that want to see him fail and say "i told you so" "hes just as two bit as all the others" nah man, king is more creative than a loop bs. hes changed shit so drastically in so many of his stories that i don't see how anyone could predict how hes going to end it. he won't even work a loop story into the mess. ^_____^ Ladywriter - Monday May 3, 2004 7:33 am Post subject: I wonder only cuz the r word for the Gunslinger is resumption Ladywriter - Thursday May 6, 2004 8:24 am Post subject: pondering Patrick D ... he must save the lives of 2 men, one which must NOT die I guess everyone has always assumed the LBD's ment Roland, but what if they ment the chap, heir of the CK? ![]() Sledgstone - Friday May 7, 2004 7:04 am Post subject: it would suck balls if, after so many books, eddie and jake don't make it on to the tower with roland. Ladywriter - Thursday May 13, 2004 10:31 am Post subject: guessing game ![]() what characters from other books will make an apperance in the last 2 (espically the last book) of the DT series? I think there will be another train. maybe not a pain like Blaine, but the mono/train is significant in a number of books. I think it will be the End World Mono. Maybe his name will be Charlie. ( Patricia went from Lud to the Northwest Baronies, Blaine follows the beam from Lud to Topeka. There is a train that goes to Thunderclap in WotC and a train in BH. ) The characters in the service of the CK/Random will all pop up. Flagg, most certainly. Legion in one form or another. Tak and It. The various vampires, demons, and monsters will be in their way in Algul Siento. I think Speedy and Jack will be involved in the last part. Jack still has the powers from the Tailsman in him. That kinda power could really help a brother out , like say someone with bad arthritus? Jack is just a coppice man, he's not going to the Tower. Speedy knows more about whats going on then even Roland does. A palver between Speedy and Roland would be quite intense. How old is Speedy anyway... maybe he's a gunslinger (or once was) himself. I imagine he's older then Roland and Roland is way fuckin old. Speedy also wears guns like Roland. Sledgstone - Thursday May 13, 2004 8:11 pm Post subject: i think roland would recognize speedy if they saw one another. ![]() flagg & legion of course will be prominent in the last two books.. and i think it & tak are what wait for the gunslingers at the tower. but there will almost definitly be a sacrifice if they do come across tak. and seeing as how their katet is all busted up, its not like they will be able to fend them off with their combined force. someone will have to fall. Ladywriter - Tuesday May 18, 2004 11:31 am Post subject: made a list of the DT and related books, the order I would suggest reading them in... ![]() ok, get bizy ![]() Sledgstone - Tuesday May 18, 2004 8:48 pm Post subject: i still need to read "From a Buick 8" Ladywriter - Wednesday May 19, 2004 12:29 am Post subject: Beamquake http://www.simonsays.com/content/content.cfm?sid=33&pid=497822&agid=2 Ladywriter - Thursday May 20, 2004 9:29 am Post subject: e gads, I have 19 days to finish Wastelands and plow thru Wizard and Wolves good thing I can read fast ![]() Sledgstone - Friday May 21, 2004 7:07 am Post subject: you can do it! ![]() ![]() Mibu_Kyoshiro - Monday May 24, 2004 1:41 am Post subject:
19 days ![]() Ladywriter - Tuesday May 25, 2004 9:55 am Post subject: I'm playin a lil book hookey rite now. I should be reading W&G.. but ehh it wasnt my fav. I'm still rideing the high I got from Lud ![]() Sledgstone - Tuesday May 25, 2004 6:21 pm Post subject: i liked wizard and glass.. it was just so long. o_o; Ladywriter - Wednesday May 26, 2004 10:23 am Post subject: Click HERE! for image haha.jpg mwahahaha ![]() Sledgstone - Thursday May 27, 2004 7:07 am Post subject: thats great! ![]() ![]() Ladywriter - Thursday May 27, 2004 10:22 am Post subject: Xell would be a perfect Flagg ![]() sakuya - Friday May 28, 2004 2:38 am Post subject: hello? Mibu_Kyoshiro - Friday May 28, 2004 2:46 am Post subject:
Hello! ![]() Ladywriter - Friday May 28, 2004 7:36 am Post subject: hi sakuya you a dt junkie too? ![]() Ladywriter - Wednesday Jun 2, 2004 8:47 am Post subject: One week till SOS! Sledgstone - Wednesday Jun 2, 2004 8:50 pm Post subject: yes! ![]() Ladywriter - Thursday Jun 3, 2004 8:03 am Post subject: Im 1/3 of the way thru Wizard. I'll get it read by Friday I think. Wolves I can chew up in 2 days. I'll be ready!! ![]() Sledgstone - Friday Jun 4, 2004 7:11 am Post subject: i envy your reading skills. -_- Ladywriter - Monday Jun 7, 2004 9:27 am Post subject: I was thinking about the "test" they have to go thru to become gunslingers For Roland, it was faceing Cort. I think for Al and Bert it was when the shitz went down in Hambury. Roland trained Eddie and Suz. I think her test was was bringing down Mir. But I'm not sure Eddie was a full 'slinger untill he took out Blaine. I think that was his test. (it was stapled to the chicken, harharhar) It would seem that Jake's test was the shoot out with the Wolves. There seems to be a common thread with their tests. They were all forced into them. Roland over his mother, Suz to save Eddie (and she and Roland after she shot Mir in the ass). Eddie saved all their asses on Blaine. He shot with his mind. (He's so damn Cuthbert~ish!) Poor Jake saw the sun go down on his childhood when Benny went splat. Much like what happened with Roland's old tet in Hambury. any thoughts? _________________ Sledgstone - Monday Jun 7, 2004 5:49 pm Post subject: hmm.. i'll have to think.. btw.. we got Song of Susannah today! ![]() ![]() BlitzZ - Monday Jun 7, 2004 5:58 pm Post subject: w00t! When does the last one come out....Then ill read the whole series through. ![]() Ladywriter - Tuesday Jun 8, 2004 8:08 am Post subject: September I'll just say the Oy stuff in the cave is what had me goin ![]() Sledgstone - Tuesday Jun 8, 2004 7:59 pm Post subject: no spoilers! ![]() Mibu_Kyoshiro - Wednesday Jun 9, 2004 2:43 am Post subject: No spoilers, please. I had to give up my Dark Tower fanboy status because I ...(I hate to admit it, but)... I forgot that Song of Susannah came out ![]() ![]() ![]() Ladywriter - Wednesday Jun 9, 2004 8:43 am Post subject: alright. no spoilers till ye two are done I say thankya! It's no spoiler that Steve is in the story, I think it was great. ![]() Ladywriter - Thursday Jun 10, 2004 8:34 am Post subject: ... come on you guys read faster >.< Mibu_Kyoshiro - Thursday Jun 10, 2004 5:41 pm Post subject: ...and done! That was too short, but, as always, a great story. I wasn't sure about the whole "put steve king in his own book' angle, but he did it well. Sledgstone - Thursday Jun 10, 2004 7:09 pm Post subject: i'm reading it now.. but i am one hell of a slow reader. i noticed the book was just over 400 pages. seems quite small for a dark tower book. then again its about the same size as gunslinger revised. i'll probably finish it in a week or two. *curses my slow reading* :\ Ladywriter - Friday Jun 11, 2004 8:59 am Post subject: Spoilers beat it till ya finish the book sledge gone yet? ok... So a child gunslinger, a billybumbler, and a de-funked priest walk into a bar ![]() Jake rambleings: couple of things. Roland thinks of him as an adopted son. I figured as much, but seeing it on paper made me smile. How good is Jake with the plates? better then Suz was? Did he fight the wolves w/ a gun to "pass" his gunslinger "test" the cabby in NY. that struck me as so damn Eddieish! I dont think he would have really shot the guy. Maybe thats why his hand wasnt steady? Or was it just that little shake that made him decide to give the gun to Callahan and use the plates? ** there is a whole issue about the guns too. I'm sure they'll be able to use them in the DP, but if they will go to Fedic or not... The ruger will because it was drawn with Jake I think. ** he is wayyyy stronger in the touch. He's more in touch with Suz than Eddie is. Hes been in the banquet hall in the castle in Fedic watching Mia. He knew she was leaving the turtle for them. he has the (not to worry you've got the) key to get them thru the door to Fedic. He even knew where to put Black 13 so that it would be destroyed. his attitude right before they entered the Dixie Pig... very Rolandish I think. Roland has trained him well. and Jake has listened to everything he has told him. Hambry, Eyebolt Canyon. Jake doesn't have a thinny to push the bad guys in, but all he really had to do is get thru them. he told Pere that he was going to go in yellin. he wanted Oy at his heels. I think he will actually be able to protect Oy. Callahan wanted to know if he'd be a gunslinger when it was over and Jake just kinda... knew different. Not a gunslinger, a priest. perhaps they are already in the Dark Tower and have just been going up like Ralph Roberts. Maybe thats why Steven King's world was so "real" because its high up the tower (time is faster there too). Ladywriter - Wednesday Jun 16, 2004 10:15 am Post subject: Mia more spoilers from book 6 and predictions for book 7 arrg its driving me nuts. for some reason she reminds me of Roland's mother. Steven Deschain looked at Roland once as "the one who lived" or some beshitted thing. Maybe Roland had a sister? that would follow the Autherian legend if Mia was somehow Roland's sister. Suz feels enuff fer this bitch to actually try to save her. I think when Jake n Callahan get to the dogan she's in she is gonna want to try and help Mia. She might get Suz killed ![]() Fedic - Sunday Jun 20, 2004 10:17 pm Post subject: Jake is the shit. I think he has way surpassed Alain's abilitys. Ladywriter - Monday Jun 21, 2004 8:22 am Post subject: Callahan going out the window atthe beginning of SL miniseries just reinforces what we just read in SoS... and the apperance of the cross dog instead of just the cocker; that dog is the 1st to get killed in the lot. but the cross... the fact they put a cross on the dog goes back to Roland. Fedic - Tuesday Jun 22, 2004 5:06 pm Post subject: What did you think of Coda? It was one of my favorite parts of the book. The way he was talking about his drinking was very personal. But I'll be damned if it wasn't honest. Not only do you dig the story, but you relate to him as a person/writer/character. I think King wrote himself into tdt like that because he has always felt that he was a player in this series, only he had to give the story to the fans. You remember that long be-shitted wait between Wastelands and Wizard?! And what were you saying? Could it have been something like "Where the fuck is the next book Steve?!" instead we got the green mile novellas. arg! At least we got Desperation and Insomnia out of that dramatic pause of his. I'm just glad he decided to finish the series, though I was a bit taken aback by how quickly he got to it. The shit he went thru after being smacked by the van (the van scene in Kingdom Hospital gave me the willys) must have been quite "intense". He realized he could die and leave the quest for the Tower unfinished. Guess thats what you call motivation. Ladywriter - Wednesday Jun 23, 2004 8:01 am Post subject: I thought Coda was good. like he was really reaching out to the consistant reader. I was also moved when he started guzzeling down the brewskies in front of Edd's and Roland. The foreshadowing of his own drinking and drug problems. I used to pound em down pretty good myself, so I can relate to his commentary about his addiction. The wait for Wizard was hellatious. Stuck on Blaine for 4 freekin years. That sucked, and yes I was saying wtf steve-o. He did not want to be one of those writers that left a story unfinished when he died, but I agree that it was kind of eerie that he banged out the last 3 books so fast after his accident. who the hell knows, maybe he went todash after he got nailed by the van and saw the way the Dark Tower was s'posed to end. maybe king really did see Roland ![]() ![]() Sledgstone - Wednesday Jul 7, 2004 9:58 pm Post subject: i finally finished! ![]() Fedic - Wednesday Jul 28, 2004 11:25 am Post subject: hot damn! have you seen the new pics up on Lilja's site yet? the full pic of the mystery man was added yesterday. I'm so excited! ![]() Ladywriter - Wednesday Jul 28, 2004 12:36 pm Post subject: "It came to him that there would be further degradations of the spirit ahead that might make this one seem infinitesimal, and yet he would still flee it, down corridors and through cities, from bed to bed; he would flee the boy’s face and try to bury it in cunts and killing, only to enter one final room and find it looking at him over a candle flame. " ![]() Ladywriter - Saturday Jul 31, 2004 11:06 am Post subject: http://www.stephenking.com/pages/works/Dark_Tower_VII/prologue.php chapter 1 lemme know what ya think after ya read it! Fedic - Saturday Jul 31, 2004 11:57 am Post subject: The fingers (and the barrel of the Ruger) glowed, as if they had been dipped into blue fire. The eyes of the turtle had likewise filled with light; its shell shone. Go Don! Ladywriter - Sunday Aug 1, 2004 12:40 pm Post subject: (posting this here too) like a bijillion other people i watched the A Good Read clip (http://www.mainepbs.org/AGOODREAD/index.htm) in mute facination. it kind of scared me the way he warns us to approach the book with caution. he wants to hurt, he wants to enthrall. So I started to think about what would hurt. death and betrayal made the short list. i'm sure the battle scenes will enthrall quite nicely. I'm just a little tweeked out by the whole power of the story. not just the forces at work withen Steve-o's books, but the story itself and how I feel reading it. Some of his books have scared me in places. reading It or The Stand at 2 am gets a little creepy. The Dark Tower is going to give us so much resolution. by the time we turn the last page, we'll know what happens to everybody. thats kinda scary too. I dont expect everyone to make it, but I probably would/will grieve for Jake Roland Edds or Oy. We have had a big part to play in this story too. We consistant readers/ tower junkies have made the story immortal. every time we loan out our paperback copy of the Gunslinger to a Tower newb, we are ensuring the story stays forever. The book is dedicated: He who speaks without an attentive ear is mute. Therefore, Constant Reader, this final book in the Dark Tower cycle is dedicated to you. Long days and pleasant nights. maybe we do have a part to play when it comes to the Tower ![]() Ladywriter - Friday Aug 6, 2004 9:41 pm Post subject: When I think of those East End lights Muggy nights, The curtains drawn in the little room downsairs. Prima Donna lord you really should have been there, Sitting like a princess perched in her electric chair. And it's one more beer, And I don't hear you anymore. We've all gone crazy lately, My friend's out there, Rolling 'round the basement floor. And someone saved my life tonight, sugar bear. You almost had your hooks in me Didn't you dear You nearly had me roped and tied, Altar bound, hypnotized, Sweet freedom whispered in my ear You're a butterfly, And butterflies are free to fly, Fly away, high away bye bye. I never realized the passing hours Of evening showers, A slip noose hanging in my darkest dreams. I'm strangled by your haunted social scene Just a pawn out-played by a dominating queen. It's four-o-clock in the morning Damn it! Listen to me good. I'm sleeping with myself tonight Saved in time, thank God my music is still alive. And someone saved my life tonight, sugar bear. You almost had your hooks in me Didn't you dear You nearly had me roped and tied, Altar bound, hypnotized, Sweet freedom whispered in my ear You're a butterfly, And butterflies are free to fly, Fly away, high away bye bye. And I would have walked head on Into the deep end of the river, Clinging to your stocks and bonds Paying your H.P. demands forever. They're coming in the morning With a truck to take me home Someone saved my life tonight Someone saved my life tonight Someone saved my life tonight Someone saved my life tonight Someone saved my life tonight So save your strength And run the field you play alone And someone saved my life tonight, sugar bear. You almost had your hooks in me Didn't you dear You nearly had me roped and tied, Altar bound, hypnotized, Sweet freedom whispered in my ear You're a butterfly, And butterflies are free to fly, Fly away, high away bye bye.
End of Topic.
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